Question 1: How does the US compare to other countries in terms of percentage of population over 65?
Question 2: What is the Aged Dependency Ratio and what is it intended to measure?
Question 3: What is the Youth Dependency Ratio?
Question 4: What is the Combined Dependency Ratio?
Question 5: How does the percentage of the population aged 65 and over in Qatar compare to that in Japan? Why?
Question 6: What is the measure of Life Expectancy? Why does it differ at birth than at age 65?
Question 7: In addition to fertility and mortality, what other factor influences the make-up of a society?
Question 8: What fertility replacement rate is needed to maintain a society's population size?
Question 9: What continent has the highest fertility rate?
Question 10: What is the definition of the fertility rate? 16. What are reasons that women tend to outlive men?
Question 11: What has been happening to the US sex ratio for people over age 70 since 1980? What might one of the causes?
Question 12: From an educational attainment perspective, how do previous generations of retirees differ from the current crop of baby boomers who are retiring? And why does it matter?