
What is the age and sex of the child according to erikson

Problem -

You don't have to go to ZOO you can just made it up. Find 3 children who vary in age (Newborn, Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School age, Preteen, Adolescent.) One of them must be 3 years or under. This could be at a day care, playground, family party, religious meeting, or Children's Museum! These children should be out in the community and appear healthy.  Get parental permission to observe the children, then observe each child for about 20 minutes while he/she is actively moving or playing. If possible, try to also interact/play with few minutes at the end of your observation. The child will be most natural if they do not know that you are observing them!

For each child, answer the following questions in either paragraph or phrases - apply your lecture and reading material. Type the paper.  APA is required. A minimum of 5 evidence based nursing journal references (NOT YOUR TEXT BOOK) is required.

What is the age and sex of the child?

Does the child appear to be healthy? Active?

What Developmental behaviors are you observing in this child?   - Be sure to include motor, fine motor, social, and language abilities.

What would you expect to see at this age?

If you are not observing the expected behaviors (recognizing that this is a one-time, brief interaction) - what might account for that?

According to Erikson, where is this child functioning and what behaviors did you observe to illustrate that level?

According to Piaget, where is this child functioning and what behaviors did you observe to illustrate that level?

Choose either Kohlberg or Freud. On what level, is this child supposed to be functioning and do you observe any aspects of their theory?

What nutritional needs are particularly important at this age? What might you choose to give them for their next meal?

What immunizations should this child have by this age?

If you were the nurse taking care of this patient in the hospital, what are 5 things you could talk about with this child or one of this age?  What are 5 toys that you might use for pleasurable interaction?

What are 5 key safety considerations for a child of this age - in the hospital or in the home?

Assuming the parent brings their child for a yearly check up, what are 5 things that you could teach this parent in "anticipatory guidance" for developmental in the next year.

1. Describe the activity/mobility associated with the developmental stage of the child

2. Describe the developmental stages using Erikson, Piaget, and another.

3. Describe the nutritional needs for this child.

4. Outline the immunizations required for this age.

5. List key safety and anticipatory considerations for this child.

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Dissertation: What is the age and sex of the child according to erikson
Reference No:- TGS02426672

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