
What is the accounting issue relate to this article who are

Part A- Select any project business case related to Development of Structure/ Buildings or marketing/ Development of new product range or IT or any one. Make critical analysis of that project in clinical and objective manner

It should be in essay format in simple words

1. Introduction (overview of selected project)

2. Main Body

3. Findings and Recommendation

4. Reference (please use Harvard AGPS System)

Critical analysis of a project business case chosen by you (around 1600 words)

Consider the following statement:

It has been suggested that a project business case provides ‘justification for undertaking a project, in terms of evaluating the benefit, cost and risk of alternative options and the rationale for the preferred solution. Its purpose is to obtain management commitment and approval for investment in the project. The business case is owned by the (project) sponsor'.

(Source: Association for Project Management 2006, Body of Knowledge, 5th edn, APM, UK, p. 129) (Note: bolding has been added.)

Think about your chosen project for analysis in assignment 1 and/or 2. Write a critical analysis of the chosen project business case in the form of an essay about the issues that you think are important in the context of the business case for your chosen project. Your responses will differ depending on whether your project is completed, is under way or is yet to start. The focus of this essay is the ‘business case'. Make sure you clearly understand what a business case is before you try to complete this assignment.

Important note - This is a critical analysis of the project business case and not of the project itself.

Refer to your Communication skills handbook to understand how to structure and write an essay. It is expected that you would provide an introduction, the body of your essay, a conclusion and recommendations, and a list of references. You may use headings for sections if you wish.

You may use diagrams and tables if necessary to reduce word count and to communicate your analysis more clearly.
This assignment is deliberately open-ended to give you an opportunity to do some research about project-related business cases in the context of project management. There are no right or wrong answers. This assignment will allow you to explore the text books, journal articles and other sources on the importance or otherwise of business cases in project management

As part of your analysis, ensure that you make reference to the relevant theory (or theories) covered in the study materials, text, selected readings and other relevant sources. Make sure you use figures and tables to clearly and concisely illustrate and support your analysis where this is appropriate.

Part B- Read the articles on study desk:

1. Mining tax by Luke Mansillo.

2. Public Contest through the Popular Media The Mining Industry s Advertising War against the Australian Labor Government by David McKnight & Mitchell Hobbs.

3. The press and issue framing in the Australian mining tax debate by Paul Boulus & Keith Dowding.


This assignment is an essay where you are required to relate a practical example to accounting theory. The essay should include an abstract, introduction, body, conclusion and bibliography. Maximum word count 1400 words not including the bibliography. You should incorporate at least 10 references.

The relationship between accounting research and professional practice has been discussed in the literature (Parker, Guthrie & Linacre 2011).

Using the article provided discuss the following:

-What is the accounting issue relate to this article?

-Who are the stakeholders? Describe each stakeholder and their concerns.

-What is motivating the stakeholders to act in this manner and who will be affected by these actions?

-Using the stakeholders you have identified detail what accounting theory might explain their actions or perceptions?

-Compare and contrast the different theories and identify which of these theories is most important and explain reasons why you think your chosen theory is the most important.

-Relate your answer to the link between theory and practice

You should consider accounting theories that you believe are relevant.


Parker, L, Guthrie, J & Linacre, S 2011, 'The relationship between academic accounting research and professional practice', Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 5-14.

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Accounting Basics: What is the accounting issue relate to this article who are
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