
What is ted teaching billy how to do

Assignment task:

Movie: Kramer vs. Kramer

1. What is Ted teaching Billy how to do?

2. When walking Billy to school, who do we discover has returned?

3. Park: What happens to Billy at the park? How does Ted respond? How is Ted treated at the hospital?

4. Meeting: Where has Joanna been? How long was she gone?

5. Meeting: Why has she returned? What did she say she learned while she was gone? How does he react to her request to get custody of Billy?

6. Lawyer's office: What does the lawyer tell Ted about his custody battle? What does he suggest Ted do when considering whether or not he wants to fight Joanna for custody?

7. Meeting with Boss: What does Ted talk about when he goes out to lunch with his boss? What does he boss tell him about his job?

8. How does he find a new job? Why is it so important that he find a job NOW?

9. Where is Joanna when he walks Billy to school this time? What is Joanna granted by a judge?

10. What kind of father has Ted become at this point in the movie?

11. How does Joanna describe her marriage in the courtroom? Why does she say she was unhappy?

12. How does Ted's lawyer treat her? What are some of the mean things he brings up?

13. How has the neighbor friend's (Mrs. Phelps) opinion changed about Ted? What does she say in court about Ted?

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