Strategic Plan, Part II - SWOT Analysis
With the tumultuous nature of the contemporary business environments, it has become increasingly important for business enterprises to understand their strategic capabilities in order to respond to the changing external environment (Luther, 2011). In this regard, SWOT analysis tool, which explores an organization's strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T) has become extremely vital for contemporary business enterprises as it provides them with strategic options based on their capabilities and weakness, and the available opportunities and potential threats.
What is SWOT Analysis tools, Why it is important now a days for business enterprises to understand their strategic capabilities.
Write a complete report in 2000 Words including below mentioned points.
- Introduction
- Economic Forces and Trends
- Legal and Regulatory Forces and Trends
- Technological and Innovation Forces and Trends
- Socio-cultural Forces and Trends
- The Company's Strategy
- Business Processes
- Business Goals
- City Hunks & Divas Clothing Ltd Strategic Capabilities
- The Organization Culture in City Hunks & Divas Clothing Ltd