
What is strategy and how do you know if you have one what


1. This is an open book/take-home examination. All questions are based on the handouts which were given to you electronically and on paper during the second half of the course. You also need notes from my lectures during the second part of the course.

2. Please answer the questions below using a computer and printer ONLY (i. e. no hand written answers or answers on the question pages). The answers should be double spaced, and the computer font should be size 12 with Comic Sans MS as a recommended font.

3. Total number of pages for your answers to the questions cannot exceed 4. So you must be succinct-DON'T write dissertations. Most questions can be answered in a sentence or two. This test is designed to verify you have carefully read the e-and paper handouts, and understand the contents of each.

4. In accordance with the certification below, you MUST write the test alone. You may quote from any of the sources as long as you cite where quotation was taken from.

Instructions for delivery of the test:

(1) Put your name at the top of the CERTIFICATION (see below), then sign the CERTIFICATION; (2) STAPLE the certification AND the attached question pages to your answer sheets.

In other words you MUST return EVERYTHING to me. (3) Please also be sure your name is also on the first page of your answers to these questions. (4) Your typed answers, the signed certification and question pages are due at the beginning of the finals-day class which is our last meeting. You MUST attend this class.


certify that I have completed this test alone, without the advice, help, files, notes or suggestions of any other student or person.

Further, I certify that I have not (nor will I) give advice, aid, help, notes or suggestions to ANY other student or person. Further, I certify I have NOT copied by ANY method, the attached questions.

I understand that a violation of the contents of this CERTIFICATION are a violation of the Daniels College of Business Code of Academic Integrity and the University of Denver Honor Code, and related sanctions will be imposed.


QUESTIONS, TAKE-HOME FINAL EXAMINATION MGMT 3800 (again, these sheets must be stapled to your answers:

A. The Economist/Schumpeter: From Cuckholds to Captains 1. What are the 2 rules for the board?

B. From Gerzon: Appendix

1. Identify 4 of the "ready-to-use principles" ?

C. From Business Strategy Review/Costas Markides: What is strategy and how do you know if you have one?

1. What is the fundamental strategic market differentiation between Canon and Xerox for copier sales?

2. When considering the "real options approach", what does Markides say about which choices a firm makes?

b. From Academy of Management Executive/Hambrick (St Frederickson: Are you sure you have a strategy?

What are the 5 Elements of Strategy? -

2. Finish this sentence: "Achieving a compelling..."

E. From HBS/Rosenzweig: What Makes Strategic Decisions Different.

1. In section 3, what are 2 of the criteria for "competitive bets"?

2. "Decision-makers need to develop two (2) vital skills". What are they?

F. From The Economist: The great innovation debate.

1. What is the "biggest danger...?"

G. From 6/15 F1135 (author unknown): Despite Massive Investments of Management, Time and....

1. What is the fundamental first answer to the "Leadership Challenge"?

H. From HBS/Zenger: Strategy: The Uniqueness Challenge.

1. In one sentence, what is the "lemons" market?

2. What are the Two Dimensions of Strategy?

I. From I-IBS/Martin: The Big Lie of Strategic Planning.

1. Identify Rule 1 for Escaping the Traps

2. Identify Rule 2 for Escaping the Traps

J. From HBS/Kanter: How Great Companies Think Differently.

1. Define "Institutional Logic"?

2. In a sentence, why do great companies assume they can trust people?

K. From The Economist: Over Regulated America

1. What is one (1) of the parts of "America Needs a Smarter Approach to Regulation?

L. From HBS/Mycoskie:

1. In a sentence, why did he take a sabbatical from Toms?

M. Prof. Bowen's Lectures

1. From my not-for-profit (NFP) lecture, in a sentence, give an example of how NFP entities compete with each other.

List of articles (e-reading and attached) for MGMT 3800 final.

1. What is Strategy and How Do You Know if you Have One? Costas Markides, Business Strategy Review, Summer 2004, Volume 15, Issue 2

2. Are You Sure You Have a Strategy? Donald C. Hambrick, James W. Frederickson, Academy of Management Executive; November 2001 Volume 15, Issue 4

3. What Makes Strategic Decisions Different. Phil Rosenzweig, Harvard Business Review, November 2013

4. The Founder of Toms on Reimagining the Company's Mission. Blake Mycoskie, Harvard Business Review, January-February 2016

5. The Great Innovation Debate. The Economist, January 12th, 2013

6. Despite Massive Investments of Management Time and Money, Innovation Remains a Frustrating Persuit in Many Companies .(Author Unknown), Harvard Business Review, June 2015.

7. Strategy: The Uniqueness Challenge. Todd Zenger, Harvard Business Review, November 2013.

8. The Big Lie of Strategic Planning. Roger L. Martin, Harvard Business Review, January-February 2014.

9. Over Regulated America. The Economist, February 18, 2012.

10. How Great Companies Think Differently. -Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business Review, November 2011.

11. [Read the attached articles]

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