
What is special about workgroups and teams

Problem 1: What is special about workgroups and teams?

Problem 2: What are the key theories and findings of work groups and teams research?

Problem 3: What are the key implications for management practice?

Problem 4: Why should we study work groups and teams?


Barker, J. R. (1993). Tightening the iron cage: Concertive control in self-managing teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 38, 408-437.

Cohen & Bailey. (1997). What makes teams work: Group effectiveness research from the shop floor to the executive suite. Journal of Management, 23, 239-290.

George, J. (1990). Personality, affect, and behavior in groups. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 2, 107-116.

Ilgen, D.R., Hollenbeck, J.R., Johnson, M. & Jundt, D. (2005). Teams in organizations: From I-P-O Models to IMOI models. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 517-543.

Marks, M. A., Mathieu, J. E., & Zaccaro, S. J. (2001). A temporally based framework and taxonomy of team processes. Academy of Management Review, 26, 356-376.

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