List of Topics for Annotated Bibliography
- What is special about special education?
- School to home communication
- School to home collaboration
- Parents as partners in the classroom
- Parents as partners in the SAT and/or IEP process
- Response to Intervention (RtI)
- Co-teaching
- Communication between colleagues
- Inclusion
- Authentic Assessment
- Multidisciplinary Assessment
- Modifications in the science classroom
- Modifications in the math classroom
- Modifications in the social studies classroom
- Modifications in the fine arts
- Modifications in the shop/agriculture/family consumer science classroom
- Modifications in the language arts classroom
- Modifications in the Physical Education environment
Choose your bibliography topic from the list provided in the attached file.
The Annotated Bibliography is expected:
- Must be in APA 6th ed. format (citation)
- Must include no less than one paragraph (a paragraph is a minimum of 5 sentences) describing the book or article. (a paragraph per source)
- The bibliography must contain a minimum of five articles and/or books. Sources must be within the last eight years. Nothing older than 2010 will be accepted.
Internet sources will not count for this assignment. If you locate the book/journal via the internet, you must site the original source and not the internet source.
Attachment:- Annotated Bibliography.rar