
What is soft power what is bipolarity which event marked

1.What is the two-level game?

A) Balancing of two different alliances at the same time
B) Simultaneous negotiations with other states and key domestic societal actors
C) Preference for short term alliances at the expense of long-term commitments
D) US strategy during the Sino-Soviet split
E) Leveling two threats coming from two different states at the same time

2.What is appeasement?

A) Making concessions to other states in order to avoid wars
B) The American foreign policy during much of the Cold War
C) An important characteristic of the post-Cold War era
D) An aspect of the collective security approach
E) Nixon’s policy towards China

3.The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S. indicate the end of:

A) The Cold War
B) Post-Cold War Era
C) Concert of Europe
D) Bipolar system
E) Multi-polar system

4.Which of the following was one reason for the Concert of Europe in 1815?

A) Napoleonic Wars
B) Sino-Soviet split
C) The end of the Holy Roman Empire
D) Advances in industry and technology
E) The Thirty Years War

5.Which is NOT one of the beliefs associated with collective security?

A) Stability results from disequilibrium of power in favor of peaceful nations
B) Existence of multiple competitive alliances will not help to prevent conflict
C) Self-help influenced actions are a key to stability
D) A collective organization of states has the right to regulate state behavior
E) None of the above

6.Which event marked the birth of the modern international system?

A) Peace of Westphalia
B) The end of the Cold War
C) The end of World War II
D) The unification of Germany
E) The 9/11 attacks on the US

7.Who were the “idealists”?

A) Those who believed that a balance of power system can create a lasting peace
B) Scholars supporting collective security approach after the end of World War I
C) Supporters of the preemptive war policy of George W. Bush
D) Supporters of the concert model
E) Scholars supporting the end of the Vietnam War

8.When was the ideology of nationalism born?

A) 17th century
B) 19th century
C) 20th century
D) After September 11, 2001
E) There’s no specific date for the birth of nationalism

9.What is bipolarity?

A) A system with an unstable balance of power
B) Leaders negotiate with other states and key domestic societal actors
C) A system with multiple dominant powers
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

10.What is soft power?

A) The weakening of a country’s power
B) The use of coercive power rather than attraction
C) The use of attraction rather than coercion
D) The power that weak countries have
E) None of the above

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