Please read the book and write about Meno. you should answer 1 question of 4 regarding plato book.
Directions: Answer just ONE of the following problems. Solutions should be, per directions on the syllabus, one to two pages in length, double-spaced with a font size no smaller than 10 and no larger than 12. Papers are due one week from the class day on which they are assigned.
(1) In the course of his dialogue with Meno, Socrates articulates the nature of the kind of account/definition he wants Meno to produce concerning virtue. What are the characteristics of the account/definition that Socrates is demanding? (In order to adequately answer this question, you will need to present Meno's definitions and Socrates' subsequent deconstructions of them.)
(2) What is Meno's paradox, i.e., the "debater's agrument," and how does Socrates respond to it? What are the implications of his response with respect to the major question of the dialogue?
(3) What is Socrates' argument for the teachability of virtue (starting at 87b)? What is the argument that Socrates gives immediately after, apparently showing that virtue is not teachable? Give a brief account of which argument seems stronger (here, appeal to the logical concepts of formal validity and soundness may helpful).
(4) How does Socrates use the distinction between right belief and certain knowledge as a means to holding out for the possibility that virtue can be taught?
Regarding this book: Plato: Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo (Hackett Classics).