
What is socially gratifying


1. Consumer culture is commonly held societal beliefs that define what is socially gratifying.

2. The primary function of culture is to facilitate communication among members of that culture.

3. Rules that specify the appropriate behavior in a given situation within a specific culture are called cultural standards.

4. Cultural sanction refers to the penalties associated with performing a nongratifying or culturally inconsistent behavior.

5. Role expectations are the specific expectations that are associated with each type of person.

6. Role expectations for a given role, such as a student or service provider, appear to be universal across cultures.

7. Environmental factors are the physical characteristics that describe the physical environment and habitat of a particular place.

8. Eating turkey on Thanksgiving in the United States is an example of a tradition.

9. Core societal values (CSV) represent a commonly agreed upon consensus about the most preferable ways of living within a society.

10. Responsibility as a CSV means the extent to which people are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate family.

11. Highly collective societies tend to live in extended families and be very loyal to groups from which they take their identity.

12. Generally, Western societies tend to be more collectivistic, whereas Eastern nations tend to be more individualistic.

13. The masculinity CSV dimension captures distinctions existing in societies based on mannerisms typically associated with male

assertiveness and control.

14. Women's traits tend to vary more from nation to nation than do those of men.

15. Power distance is the extent to which authority and privilege are divided among different groups within society and the extent to which

these facts of life are accepted by the people within the society.
16. Low-power-distance nations tend to be less egalitarian.

17. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which a culture is uncomfortable with things that are ambiguous or unknown.

18. Long-term orientation reflects values consistent with Aristotle's philosophy and a prioritization of future reward over short-term benefits.

19. Guanxi is the Chinese term for a way of doing business in which parties must first invest time and resources in getting to know one

another and becoming comfortable with one another before consummating any important deal.

20. Dostat is a phenomenon associated with long-term orientation and is the idea that when someone does a good deed for you, you are

expected to return that good deed.

21. BRIC is an acronym that refers to the collective economies of Britain, Russia, India, and Canada.

22. Cultural distance represents how disparate one nation is from another in terms of their CSVs.

23. Countries with relatively high CD scores are more similar and thus tend to value the same types of consumption experiences.

24. CANZUS is an acronym that refers to the close similarity in values between Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

25. Culture is a learned process.

26. Socialization involves learning through observation and the active processing of information about lived, everyday experience.

27. Enculturation represents the way a person learns his or her native culture.

28. Assimilation is the process by which consumers come to learn a culture other than their natural, native culture.

29. Children generally become acculturated more quickly than adults.

30. Ethnic grounding is the degree to which consumers feel a sense of belonging to the culture of their ethnic origins.

31. National imperialism is the belief among consumers that their ethnic group is superior to others and that the products that come from

their native land are superior to other products.

32. Ethnocentrism is highly related to the concept of uncertainty avoidance.

33. The quartet of institutions that are responsible for communicating the CSV through both formal and informal processes from one

generation to another is: family, school, church, and media.

34. Reflection is a process of imitating others' behavior.

35. Modeling is a form of observational learning.

36. Shaping is a socialization process by which consumers' behaviors slowly adapt to a culture through a series of rewards and sanctions.

37. Verbal communication refers to the transfer of information through either the literal spoken or written word.

38. Dialects are variations of a common language.

39. Translational parity exists when two phrases share the same precise meaning in two different cultures.

40. Numerical equivalence refers to the state in which consumers are shown to use numbers to represent quantities the same way across


41. Nonverbal communication is information passed through some nonverbal act.

42. Americans typically place a high value on time and timeliness.

43. Body language refers to the nonverbal communication cues signaled by somatic (controllable biological) responses.

44. Etiquette represents the customary mannerisms consumers use in common social situations.

45. An Asian consumer who responds to a sales appeal with "yes" is definitely indicating agreement and readiness to purchase.

46. The symbolic meaning of objects affects gift giving from culture to culture.

47. The consumer price index (CPI) gives an idea of the total size of the consumer market in each country in terms of total buying power.

48. The term Chindia refers to the combined market and business potential of China and India.

49. Just over five billion consumers live in India.

50. Glocalization represents the idea that the marketing strategy may be global but the implementation of that strategy at the marketing

tactics level should be local.

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Marketing Management: What is socially gratifying
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