
What is so remarkable about the turbidites sand deposits

1) The duration of shaking during an earthquake is a decent proxy for the earthquake magnitude. A full rupture of the Cascadia subduction zone will bring shaking for a duration of about:

a. 15 to 30 seconds
b. 1 minute
c. 2 minutes
d. 3 to 4 minutes
e. 4-minutes

2) Which statement best describes the tectonic setting of the Cascadia trench (west coast of the Pacific Northwest) today?

a. Divergent boundary
b. Convergent collision-zone boundary
c. Convergent subduction-zone boundary
d. Transform boundary
e. Hot spot that is not on a plate boundary

3) . What phenomenon is expected but missing in Cascadia?

a. earthquakes
b. volcanoes
c. a trench
d. turbidites

4) . What is so remarkable about the turbidites (sand deposits formed offshore due to underwater, earthquake-triggered landslides)?

a. The same number can be found in all the sediment cores gathered between Vancouver to Mendocino.
b. They mark the occurrence of large storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions
c. They also preserve ash from the eruption of Mt Mazama
d. They record 13 great Cascadian earthquakes in the past seven thousand years
e. All of these

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Dissertation: What is so remarkable about the turbidites sand deposits
Reference No:- TGS02414821

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