What is shunts in Congenital Heart Surgery?
Shunts : Blalock Shunts are connections between systemic arteries such as a subclavian arteiy with its respective pulmonary arteiy. Currently all such shunts are performed using a PTFE conduit. These are performed via a thoracotomy usually, though they could be performed via a steinotomy in certain indications.
Glenn Shunts are those where the SVC is connected to the respective pulmonary artery to increase pulmonary blood flow without causing volume overload of the ventricle like the Blalock shunts. This is usually an open heart procedure especially in young children though it could be attempted as a closed procedure in older ones. Performed through a sternotomy or a Right thoracotomy.
Coactation of aorta repairs:-Depending on the anatomy the repairs performed are using several techniques.