
what is severity and extent of lesion in coronaw

What is Severity and Extent of Lesion in coronaw artery disease?

Apart from the high prevalence, the other disturbing features of CAD in South Asians are the severity and extent of lesion. Generally Indians show more severe and extensive disease; quantitative analysis of corollary angiography reveals that more than twice the number of Asian Indians has triple vessel disease (TVD) compared to the Whites. In UK studies, Asian Indians as compared to Caucasians were found to have higher incidence of TVD (54 per cent vs, 21 per cent), high atheroma score (3.66 per cent vs. 1.97 per cent) and larger infarct size (massive infarction). On angiography, their coronary arteries are found to be more often smaller and tend to develop fewer collateral vessels as CAD progresses. Even many were found unsuitable for coronary artery bypass surgery (CABS) because of severity of lesions.


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Biology: what is severity and extent of lesion in coronaw
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