Problem 1: What is Ryle's take on the cartesian (Descartes) notion of self?
Problem 2: How does Paul Churchland argue for the claim that "the self is the brain?"
Problem 3: For Northoff, can the self be regarded as an entity solely located in the brain? Why or why not?
Problem 4: Based on the readings from modules 1 and 2, what are the conditions for the possibility of the self?
Problem 5: What is the memory theory of personal identity?
Problem 6: Why is memory theory deemed to be inadequate by most contemporary thinkers?
Problem 7: Explain "Psychological Continuity Criterion's" view on persona
Problem 8: What are the problems found on the "Psychological Continuity Criterion's" view on personal identity?
Problem 9: Referring to Noonan, explain the "Physical Continuity Criterion's" view on personal identity. Differentiate it briefly from bodily criterion and brain criterion.?
Problem 10: Based on your evaluation of the texts, what makes the 'self' and personal identity? How do they persist?