What is Resuscitation Trolley explain their features?
A proper resuscitation kit is mandatory for the ICU. In addition to trolleys that can be moved around the ICU there should also be a portable kit (a fully equipped backpack) that can be used to attend to emergency calls within other areas of the hospital.
The principal features of a resuscitation trolley should be along these lines:
(i) Workspace incorporating sharps disposal receptacle. (ii) Respiratory equipment drawer - this should include:
• Anesthesia masks size 3 and 4 - one each
• Endotracheal tubes size 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0 - one each
• Suction catheters 14Fr size - 5
• Gloves for suction - 5 pairs
• Laryngoscopes - 2
• Magill's forceps - 1
• 10 ml syringe for cuff inflation - 1
• Guedel airways size 2 and 3 - one each
• White cloth tape, stickies for securing the endotracheal tube
• Stylet, bougie for intubation - one each
• Lubricant gel.
(iii) Cardiovascular equipment drawer - this should include:
• Regular IV administration set - 2
• IV cannulae - 22G, 20G, 18G, 16G, 14G - one each
• 20 ml syringe - 1
• 10 ml syringe - 3
• 5 ml and 2 ml syringes - 10 each
• 23 G needles - 10
• 18 G drawing needles - 10
• Transparent (tegaderm) dressings - 5
• Alcohol swabs - 20
• Sterile gloves size 6, 7 and 8 - one each.
(iv) Pharmacy drawer - this should include:
• Adrenaline 1mg/ml ampoules - 10
• Atropine 0.5mg/ml ampoules - 10
• Calcium Gluconate 10 per cent ampoules - 5
• Haemaccel / Gelofusin / Haesteril - 500 mls bottle - one
• Isoprenaline 2mg/ml ampoules - 2
• Lignocaine 2 per cent vial - one
• Potassium chloride 20mmols/10 mls - one
• Salbutamol nebs - 0.5mg/ml - one
• Sodium Bicarbonate 7.5 per cent ampoules - 10
• Magnesium Sulphate 0.25 per cent ampoules - 4
• 50 per cent Dextrose 25 ml vials - 2
• Normal Saline 100 ml bottle - one
• 5 per cent Dextrose - 500 ml bottle - one.
In addition, portable oxygen (cylinders) and suction equipment would be required if there are areas of the hospital where such facility is not available.