
What is required for an organizations culture to be

Assignment Overview

In the Module 4 Case, we will complete an in-depth analysis of an organization's culture, and determine the extent to which the organization's culture fits with the organization's strategic choices. Begin by reading the following article:

Ford, R. C., Wilderom, C., &Caparella, J. (2008). Strategically crafting a customer-focused culture: An inductive case study. Journal of Strategy and Management, 1(2), 143-167. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Case Assignment

Using the article above, write a 6- to 7-page paper in which you address the following:

Complete an in-depth, comprehensive analysis of the Gaylord Palms' organizational culture and values, analyzing the ways in which the specific components of organizational culture and values assist - or impede - the success of the organization's strategic choices.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7- page paper include the following:

• Using the Module 4 Background readings related to organizational culture, and after performing additional research in the library, explain how organizational culture at the Gaylord Palms Hotel:

o Creates meaning for its members;

o Establishes informal organizational controls; and

o Ensures (or alternatively, hinders) the success of Gaylord Palms' strategic choices.

• Which of Gaylord Palms' values are most salient, and how do these same values relate to the organization's culture?

• What is required for an organization's culture to be "effective"? Is Gaylord Palms' organizational culture an "effective" culture? Why or why not? Be specific.

• What specific characteristics/elements of Gaylord Palms' organizational culture do you believe are most significant relative to ensuring the success of Gaylord Palms' strategic direction (e.g., symbols, artifacts, roles, etc.)? Why?

• Be sure to use a minimum of three (3) library sources in support of your answers!

Module 4 - SLP


Assignment Overview

In the Module 4 SLP, we will explore your target organization's culture, and determine the extent to which culture relates to the success of your organization's strategic choices.

Write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you address the following:

After completing some research concerning the culture of your selected organization, discuss assess the extent to which your organization's stated values and culture do - or do not - support the grand strategy you selected in the Module 3 SLP.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your 3- to 4-page paper include the following:

• Perform some research in the library and at your target organization's website, and learn as much as you can about the organization's culture.

• Describe the organization's culture (its artifacts, symbols, stories, and other characteristics).

• Identify three (3) stated values of your chosen organization, and discuss how well these values support the organization's strategies.

• Briefly restate the strategy you selected in the Module 3 SLP, and state why this strategy was selected (e.g., overcome weaknesses, maximize strengths, etc.).

• Critically assess the extent to which the organization's culture and values support - or do not support - the strategy or strategies that you identified in the Module 3 SLP.

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Operation Management: What is required for an organizations culture to be
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