
What is repeated in the poem


For our Literature, discussion, watch the videos in the folder, then post a response to BOTH of the following discussion questions:

I. Dylan Thomas' poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" (video).

After reading the poem carefully (and preferably out loud) and listening to the video readings of the poem, answer the following:

i. Which of the sounds (which vowels or consonants) of the poem are most sensuous (or appealing) to you? Why?

ii. What is repeated in this poem? What is the effect of this repetition? what is its influence on the emotional effect of the poem/how does it make you feel?

iii. Describe this poem's effect on you.

II. What will your verse be? (video)

i. What impacted you the most about this video? What do you think the phrase "what will your verse be" means?

ii. Describe how someone's life/legacy ("verse") impacted your life. This could be from personal contact, observation, or even by what someone has written that you read and adopted as a kind of life motto.

iii. What would you like your "verse" or legacy to be?

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History: What is repeated in the poem
Reference No:- TGS03229595

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