Guiding Questions
- What is Reality Pedagogy and what implications does it have for teaching and learning?
- What roles do the Five C's play in Reality Pedagogy
- How do teaching and schooling empower some students and disempower others?
- What is the "culture of power" and what are its effects?
- What effects can a teacher's beliefs/ideologies have on teaching, learning, and schools?
- In what ways do these readings connect with your experience of teaching and learning?
Before attending to this week's readings, think about the questions above. Much like you would do a K-W-L Chart with your students; determine what you KNOW about the topic and what you WANT to KNOW about the topic. Your R2R Post will indicate what you LEARNED about content. Refer to the R2R details and the success criteria outlined in the Syllabus.
- Emdin: Moving Beyond the BoatPreview the document
- Website: Interview with Emdin
- Delpit: Silenced DialoguePreview the document
- Gorski: Poverty and the Ideological ImperativePreview the document
- Ukpokodu: Essential Characteristics of a Culturally Conscientious ClassroomPreview the document
1.Essential Characteristics of a Culturally Conscientious Classroom
By Omiunota Ukpokodu
2. Poverty and the ideological imperative: a call to unhook from deficit and grit ideology and to strive for structural ideology in teacher education
By Paul C. Gorski
3. The Silenced Dialogue: Power and Pedagogy in Educating Others People's Children
By Lisa A. Delpit
4. Moving Beyond the Boat without a Paddle: Reality Pedagogy, Black Youth, and Urban Science Education
By Christopher Emdin