1. When does the western half of the Roman empire collapse?
2. What are the two main agents of continuity after the fall of Rome?
3. How does Constantine alter the Roman treatment of Christianity?
4. When does chrisitianity reach Britain? Map192
5. Define and explain the Rule of St Benedict...
6. What are the gender approaches according to early Christianity?
7. Who is the figure that became the figure influencing sin, grace and redemption?
8. List several barbarian groups according to the Romans..
9. What was the name of the most famous of the emperors of the Byzantine empire?
10. Who are the two largest Germanic groups invading and influencing Britain?
11. Which group and person reached Rome in 410?
12. According to Edward Gibbon what was the traditional date given for the fall of the western roman empire?
13. Who and when did a missionary supposedly bring Christianity to Ireland?
14. Clovis unites which people? What is cited as a key adoption for him in his ascension to power?
15. Define missionaries...
16. List specific ways the byzantines preserve the traditions of the Romans...
17. What was the Justinian code?
18. What was the prominent language of the Byzantine empire?
19. What did Constantine do to help the Catholic Church?
20. What was the name of the Christian church in the byzantine empire?
21. Who do Christians claim is the first pope?
22. What was the name of the people who settled Gaul that became modern France?
23. When were the early middle ages?
24. What was the other term besides early middle ages for the time period the fall of Rome until about 1000?
25. Where is the city that was and is the heart of the Islamic world? Which modern country?
26. What is the holy book of Islam and who told Muhammad supposedly of these words?
27. Explain background and personality of Muhammad...include military background...
28. List the five pillars of Islam...
29. Define jihad...
30. Describe the extent of Islamic expansion by 750...
31. What was the split between Shiite and Sunni Muslims about?
32. Which European modern country was conquered by the advancing Muslims?
33. Define the fame and reputation of Cordoba in Spain...
34. What is the belief of Jesus according to Muslims?
35. How are Jews and Christians differentiated from others in original Islam?
36. How are Muslims famous in the scientific and math fields....name specific advances..
37. How do Christians interpret the battle of Poitiers in France in 732 A.d.?
38. Why is Charlemagne important to know in early middle ages European history? (Christmas day 800 a.d.)
39. What is purpose of monastaries according to Charlemagne?
40. What is most famous anglo saxon book/story of early middle ages?
41. Save us o God from the violence of whom? In 9th century?
42. According to map on 242 what was farthest extent of Viking travels?
43. Define feudalism and explain its existence in medieval Europe...
44. Would you rather be a serf or a peasant during the medieval age? Why?
45. How does Venerable Bede alter the dating system of the world?
46. Paragraph.....Assess the growth and successes of both the Byzantine empire and the Islamic empires in the early middle age
years....include location, achievements, power, fame and important contributions to western civilization of each...