
What is public health problem

Assignment task:

This section should elaborate on the statement of the problem presented in the introduction. Each paragraph should tackle a different aspect of the problem, thoroughly describing the nature of the problem and your rationale for believing the problem exists. Include supporting information, data, and statistics from peer- reviewed literature or reliable reports.

Preview of Legal Analysis. Briefly describe how you will approach your legal analysis and what you hope to accomplish. ("The Legal Analysis that follows will...") Clearly state the goals and scope of the Legal Analysis that will follow. These goals must align with the literature review.

Falls Among Older Adults in Healthcare Facilities

What is  public health problem? Every individual has their meaning and how they understand it. Public health is a health problem that affects a significant portion of a typical population. One of the public health problems is early individuals falling in ALF and Nurse Homes. One of the primary healthcare problems in ALF and nursing homes is managing fall-risk patients and preventing falls. Older individuals are a severe public health concern that continually results in long-term pain, incapacity, early admittance to a nursing home, duration of hospital stay, cognitive disability, and other complications due to falls. In recent years, a substantial problem has emerged within the healthcare system, specifically concerning falls among older adults in various settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities (ALFs), and long-term care facilities.


Falls among older adults in healthcare settings, particularly hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities (ALFs), and long-term care facilities, are a significant public health concern. These falls often result in serious injuries, decreased quality of life, and increased healthcare costs. Staff negligence in reporting such falls poses a significant ethical and legal problem. Nurse Home and ALF should report falls and complete an Incident Report about any participants who fall, as they are required to maintain a safe environment for their participants. What is the reason Nurse Home and ALF do not report falls? It is because of covering up negligence, fear of repercussions, and staff do not understand the policies. Falls among older adults in healthcare settings, particularly hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities (ALFs), and long-term care facilities, are a significant public health concern. These falls often result in serious injuries, decreased quality of life, and increased healthcare costs. Staff negligence in reporting such falls poses a significant ethical and legal problem.

  • Abstract / introduction
  • Issues/ problem
  • Rule/ legal issue
  • Analysis (Apply law to problem)
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations

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Reference No:- TGS03420514

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