Question 1: What is psychiatric technician role? Explain.
Reference: "A career as a psychiatric technician involves assisting psychiatrists or other mental health professionals in their care of mentally ill or emotionally disturbed patients. A psychiatric technician follows both a physician's instructions and hospital procedures, monitors patients' physical and emotional well-being, reports to medical staff, and may also provide therapeutic services and administer medications. Psychiatric technicians may also develop specialized skills, such as providing biofeedback in a clinic or for a private practitioner or providing electroencephalography services in a sleep disorders clinic.
Rewards of a career as a psychiatric technician include direct work with clients, the chance to make a difference in someone's life, and the opportunity to work with an interdisciplinary team. Unfortunately, the work can be stressful, with limited opportunities for advancement. Entry-level positions as psychiatric technicians do not require a college degree. The median salary for psychiatric technicians in 2017 was about $32,000 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018). This field is expected to grow about as fast as the average career through 2026."
Question 2: Is either Biopsychology, Clinical Neuropsychology, or Cognitive Neuropsychology an interesting career? Will you be looking into a career in this area? Explain why or why not.
"Biopsychology, or physiological psychology, is the branch of psychology that studies the relationship between biology and behavior. Biopsychology integrates various areas of neuroscience (for example, neuroanatomy, the study of the structure of the nervous system; neurochemistry, the study of the chemical composition of neural activity; neuroendocrinology, the study of the interplay between the nervous system and endocrine system; neuropathology, the study of disorders that affect the nervous system; and neuropharmacology, the study of how drugs affect neural activity) to explain the biological bases of behavior. "
"Cognitive neuropsychology is a branch of cognitive psychology that aims to understand cognition from the perspective of the brain-it represents the merge of cognitive psychology and biopsychology. Cognitive neuropsychologists study the brain to understand the neural bases of mental processes like thinking, memory, attention, and language. A cognitive neuropsychologist may use brain imaging techniques to study what happens in people's brains when they tackle math problems."
"Clinical neuropsychologists conduct neuropsychological assessments to identify the extent of brain damage or severity of client impairment. They also develop interventions to help clients adapt or regain function in order to maximize the potential for independent living and quality of life."