Boot Camp, Again Refer to Exercise. Suppose 100 people attend boot camp and 44 of them return to prison within three years). The population recidivism rate for the whole state is 40%.
a. What is pn, the sample proportion of successes? (It is somewhat odd to call returning to prison a success.)
b. What is p0, the hypothetical proportion of success under the null hypothesis?
c. What is the value of the test statistic? Explain in context.
Boot Camp Suppose an experiment is done with criminals released from prison in a certain state where the recidivism rate is 40%; that is, 40% of criminals return to prison within three years.
One hundred random prisoners are made to attend a "boot camp" for two weeks before their release, and it is hoped that "boot camp" will have a good effect.
The null hypothesis is that those attending boot camp have a recidivism rate of 40%, p = 0.40. Report the alternative hypothesis in words and in symbols.