
What is perspective on polygamy in modern society


Polygamist Sect Hearing in Texas Descends into Farce. By Michelle Roberts Associated Press April 17, 2008.

On April 3, 2008 authorities raided a group calling themselves Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or FLDS in Eldorado, Texas. The group, which lives in a compound on a 1700 acre ranch, was closed off to mainstream society. The group, including 416 children, is suspected of being a polygamous sect. The raid occurred because law enforcement officials suspected the group of forcing underage girls to marry older men and of polygamy, or having more than one wife. This is an example of a counterculture or a group that has values that counter those found in mainstream society. The group left Nevada in the 1950s and has again made national headlines. As law enforcement agents precede with child custody court hearings, the case of the FLDS shows us the strength of cultural conformity. Countercultures are often isolated because of their disagreement with the dominant culture's constraints. This case shows cultural relativism has its limitations.

300 to 400 words please.

1) What is your perspective on polygamy in modern society?

2) Do you agree with any of these groups view on American values?

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