
What is performance technology if you do not know conduct

Question A - Tell us about yourself so you can meet and greet other fellow within your course. Include what you believe to be your current knowledge level of this course topic and what you hope to learn before the course is over.

Question B - What is performance technology?  If you do not know, conduct some independent research regarding this topic and using a performance map for an organization of your choice.

Support your opinions by referencing sources such as the textbook or other internet research. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.

In order to meet the objectives of this assignment provide 3 post consisting of 1 initial post and 2 additional response)

Provide references

References: Hale, Judith. (2006). The Performance Consultant's Fieldbook: Tools and Techniques for Improving Organizations and People(Essential Knowledge Resource). 2nd Edition.

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Dissertation: What is performance technology if you do not know conduct
Reference No:- TGS02311154

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