What is percentage over five years that business will expand


What are some professional and ethical issues related to plagiarism and claiming another's work as your own in the field of psychology

The most obvious professional and ethical issue related to plagiarism and claiming another's work as your own in the field of psychology is that it is dishonest and demonstrates that the person plagiarizing has little integrity. As psychologists it is important to be honest and introspective, and this requires integrity. A second and very important ethical issue with plagiarizing in this field is that if you plagiarize treatment-based research, and you use a different type of study group or apply the outcomes to a different type of group, the recommendations you make may be incorrect, lack benefits to a group or even be harmful. This is not only unethical to the participants but can be dangerous, too. Thus it is essential to work in the field of psychology as responsibly and ethically as possible.

Each year there is a 5% chance of expanding operations, what is the percentage over five years that business will expand?

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Basic Statistics: What is percentage over five years that business will expand
Reference No:- TGS03087707

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