What is orwells attitude towards war in coming up for air


What do the following quotes mean on the question "What is Orwell's attitude towards war in Coming Up for Air? The book, remember, is set on the eve of the outbreak of the Second World War and Orwell had himself fought against fascism in Civil War Spain. But does Orwell present fascism as a foreign enemy that needs to be opposed militarily, or as something else?"

"The war had jerked me out of the old life I'd known, but in the queer period that came afterwards I forgot it almost completely." (Oswell pg 129)

"I am sentimental about my childhood-not my own particular childhood, but the civilization which I grew up in and which is now, I suppose, just about at its last kick." (Oswell pg 78)

"War is coming. 1941, they say. And there'll be plenty of broken crockery, and little houses ripped open like packing-cases, and the guts of the chartered accountant's clerk plastered over the piano that he's buying on the never-never. But what does that kind of thing matter, anyway? I'll tell you what my stay in Lower Binfield had taught me, and it was this. IT'S ALL GOING TO HAPPEN. All the things you've got at the back of your mind, the things you're terrified of, the things that you tell yourself are just a nightmare or only happen in foreign countries. The bombs, the food-queues, the rubber truncheons, the barbed wire, the coloured shirts, the slogans, the enormous faces, the machine-guns squirting out of bedroom windows. It's all going to happen." (Oswell pg 233)

"If the war didn't happen to kill you it was bound to start you thinking." (Oswell pg 129).

"That feeling that you've got to be everlastingly fighting and hustling, that you'll never get anything unless you grab it from somebody else, that there's always somebody after your job, the next month or the month after they'll be reducing staff and it's you that'll get the bird-THAT, I swear, didn't exist in the old life before the war." (Oswell pg 133)

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