
What is organizational culture and why is it


Part 1



Organizational Culture is "a system of shared assumptions, values and beliefs that show people what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior" (Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan, n.d). Organizational culture is important because it increases performance (Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan, n.d ).GDD's philosophy for the next two years is to increase innovation and competitive edge ideas and to be focused on the customers (Global Delivery Direct, Inc., n,d). GDD is introducing collaborative decision making where the divisions come together in order to increase communication (Global Delivery Direct, Inc., n.d). In order to have a strong organization culture, an organization must communicate with everyone in order for all to share the same morals and principles (Lefifi, 2015). When an organization and its employees share a common culture, it "makes it easier to share common goals and to follow procedures in achieving them (Lefifi, 2015). GDD can further communicate with their customers by implementing a brief survey at their customer innovation workshops requesting customers' feedback and asking for their input in new innovations and competitive edge ideas.

The type of organizational structure is also important to achieve the goals of the organization (Lefifi, 2015). By bringing the divisions closer together through shared resources and communication, GDD has adapted an informal organization structure where the focus is on how the employees interact with each other rather than how they relate to each other (Lefifi, 2015). GDD "encourages the exchange of ideas" within the employees (Global Delivery Direct, n.d). Organizational structure "does not only lead to increased organizational capabilities" but also increases performance (Lefifi, 2015). GDD can increase employee input by having the leaders act as coaches. Acting as coaches will allow them to build one-on-one relationships in order to improve the employees' abilities, maximize their strength and work better with others (Mollica, n.d). Training, mentoring and feedback can also increase their employees' ability to serve their client's 24/7 (Mollica, n.d).


Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., Erdogan, B. (n.d). Principles of Management. Flat World Knowledge. Retrieved from https://catalog.flatworldknowledge.com/bookhub/5?e=carpenter-ch08_s01

Global Delivery Direct, Inc. n.d. UMUC. Retrieved from https://learn.umuc.edu/content/enforced/200244-001034-01-2172-OL1-6384/BMGT%20365%20Global%20Delivery%20Direct%20-%20Company%20Profile.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=ONuuhjRAhGFsSt62g6olehI5x

Lefifi, K. 2015. The relationship between Organizational Culture, Structure and Performance. Linkedin. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/relationship-between-organizational-culture-structure-kabelo

Mollica, K. n.d. Organizational Change: What Effective Leaders Do. The Centre Group. Retrieved from https://www.thecentregroup.com/organization-change-what-effective-leaders-do/


• In order for GDD to work towards a change in business strategy that will allow for the success of GDD to grow over the next two years, they will need leaders who can create a strong culture within the organization. According to Kabul Lefifi (2015), if an organization and all of those involved share common goals and plans then they share the same culture together. This shared culture allows for everyone to be a part of the organization as a whole. According to David Brubaker (2011), an organization's culture determines the behavior within the organization. This behavior that Dr. Brubaker is referring to, is the organization working together to build a working environment, one where everyone can work together through innovation and collaborative thinking. Innovation comes from the whole organization, with many different levels of input. This innovation and a good organizational culture would create a good working environment within GDD. Which would allow for GDD to maintain serving their client's as well as develop new ways for them to create and meet their goals of sustainability with both profit and planet.


Brubaker, D. (2011, June 13). Strategy, structure, and culture: Aligning our organizational systems. Retrieved from https://emu.edu/now/peacebuilder/2011/06/strategy-structure-and-culture-aligning-organizational-systems/

K. Lefifi (2015, May 11). The relationship between organizational culture, structure and performance. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/relationship-between-organizational-culture-structure-kabelo

Part 2

Use the same references in previous 2 discussions


Response 1:

Based on "The First 30 Days Change Quiz", my results were Change Agent. This basically means that I accept change. The quote that I selected was as a daily reminder was "I have accepted fear as part of life, specifically the fear of change. I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: Turn back." Erica Jong

I selected this quote because this is true for me. This is something that I live by. "With change all around us, organizations that recognize the significant positive impact engagement can have, and the ways to measure and manage it, will come out ahead, (Brandon, 2014)." To be an effective leader it is important to adapt to any situation and understand that life is full of changes.


Brandon, J. (2014, October 29). 38 Quotes to Help You Become a Change Agent. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from https://www.inc.com/john-brandon/38-quotes-to-help-you-become-a-change-agent.html

Aon Hewitt (2013, June). Managing Employee Engagement During Times of Change. Retrieved February 22, 2017, https://www.aon.com/attachments/human-capital-consulting/2013_Managing_Engagement_During_Times_of_Change_White_Paper.pdf


The results of the Change Agent quiz suggest I am a change agent. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but we'll go with it. The quote I selected from the 38 is "If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it." (Engelbreit) This actually remind me of another quote I'm quite fond of, "Your problem isn't the problem, it's your attitude about the problem." (Brashares) To me, both of these quotes suggest that you must change, whether you want to or not, so you may as well look at the change with a positive attitude to make it work to your advantage.

I think this idea is important as a leader, since the leader is usually the one facilitating the changes at an employee level. A leader must be committed to successfully implementing the change, by displaying several behaviors that help to motivate employees, to include frequent and enthusiastic communication and motivating employees, among others. (Mollica, 2013) If a leader does not show her desire to initiate the change, how are the employees expected to do so?

Brandon, J. (2014, October 29). 38 quotes to help you become a change agent. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/john-brandon/38-quotes-to-help-you-become-a-change-agent.html

Goodreads. (2017). Ann Brashares quotes. Retrieved from https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/3681.Ann_Brashares

Mollica, K. (2013, January 8). Organizational change: What effective leaders do. Retrieved from https://www.thecentregroup.com/organization-change-what-effective-leaders-do/

Part 3

DISCUSSION 1 Theme One: The design of an effective organization should align strategy, structure, and culture. Designing a culture that facilitates change is critical for the future of a business.

After reviewing the material for the week what features to the GDD culture would you add or seek to improve to facilitate the change needed to succeed in serving the client's 24/7 needs. Hint: look at the GDD Company Profile under the current business philosophy/ innovation for a start.

At least 1 in cite quotation


• What is Organizational Culture and Why is it Important?
• Relationship Between Organization Culture and Structure
• Aligning Organization Culture and Structure
• HBO's CEO Says Culture Trumps Strategy Every Day
• Jay Wilkinson on Company Culture
• Ed Shein on the Fundamentals of Culture

DISCUSSION 2 The importance of change in the 21st century business can never be underestimated by the leader.

In the future of business, the impact of technology and globalization is creating a pattern of disruption that forces a leader to direct massive long term change. There is no strategy that a leader creates or a decision implemented that must not account for change.

As a leader, effective change begins with an attitude that embraces the idea that change is possible and is dynamic. In short, a leader needs to be open to change before leading others.

Take the following change quiz and report your results: Change Quiz

Based on the results of your quiz select a quote from one of those listed in this article 38 Quotes to Help You Become a Change Agent.


• If the results show resistance to change select a quote that will inspire you to embrace change,
• If you accept change select a quote that can act as a daily reminder that change is vital to your success as a leader.
• Explain why you have selected the quote and support your reasons for selecting the quote with the class material.

RESOURCES: at least 1 in cite quotation

Recognizing Organizational Culture in Managing Change

• How to Create a Culture and Structure for Innovation
• Leading Change: Establish a Sense of Urgency
• Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail
• Every Leader Must Be A Change Agent Or Face Extinction
• Organizational Change: What Effective Leaders Do
• Managing Employee Engagement During Times of Change
• John Kotter in Succeeding in a Changing World-Training
• Communicating Change- John Kotter
• The Impacts of Change.

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Business Management: What is organizational culture and why is it
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