
What is organisational change discuss why it is necessary

Assessment - Short Response Discussion Topics


This task requires you to submit TWO responses, as blogs, to each key topic in week 1 and 2 (ie a total of four responses). Blogs should be approximately 150 to 200 words each. This assessment is approximately 800 words in total. After submitting your responses into the student blog forum, you also need to submit your all the responses to the topic questions as a single word document using Turnitin by the due date. This will enable me to provide you with confidential individual feedback.

Step 1. Create a blog entry - Instructions for creating a blog entry are in the Resources section of the subject site. You are welcome to comment constructively on another students work if you so choose.

Step 2: Once you have submitted your blog, you need to paste the contents of your responses to each question into a word document, then when you have done all four, submit it (including your name, student number and subject name and code) via Turnitin by the due date.

Task - Topic Discussion

Topic 1 - Blog 1: What is organisational change? 

Blog 2: Discuss why it is necessary for contemporary organisations to appreciate the scale and scope of the change they are facing.

Topic 2 - Blog 3: Discuss some reasons why some change programs in organisations fail, or under-achieve, on the intended goals and then illustrate with a case example.

Blog 4: Discuss further reasons (different from Blog 3) why some change programs in organisations fail, or under-achieve, on the intended goals, and then illustrate with a (different) case example.

Rationale -

This assignment has been designed to:

  • Assess learning outcome 1 - Identify and define organisational change
  • Provide opportunities for peer to peer and student - teacher interaction

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Dissertation: What is organisational change discuss why it is necessary
Reference No:- TGS02540818

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