
What is optical character recognition and how can you use

Assessment I-

Part A - Case Study

Using your literacy, planning, organising and communication skills, write a guide explaining your organisation's policies and procedures regarding project:

1. Quality assurance

2. Quality control

3. Quality criteria

4. Quality management tools and methods

5. Quality standards.

You can write the guide using your organisation's general definitions and processes, or you can write it in regard to a specific project, which you should outline in your answer.

Part B - Written or Oral Questions

1. Why is it important to ensure that stakeholders adhere to quality requirements?

2. Why are quantifiable quality criteria useful?

3. In quality terms, why might procedures and policies be applied to the undertaking of a project?

4. Why are project quality requirements useful?

5. Why is quality assurance important when managing project quality?

6. Why are quality management tools and methodologies useful?

7. Why might you need to refer back to old quality control records?

8. Why are compliance records used by organisations during and after projects?

9. Why do you need to report quality shortfalls to the relevant staff member(s)?

10. Why is it important to determine the effectiveness of quality management activities?

11. Why do you need to analyse stakeholder satisfaction after a project?

12. Why do you need to report quality management issues at the end of the project?

Assessment II-

Part A- Written or Oral Questions

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one. Complete the work individually.

1. How can you check client or customer requirements?

2. Demonstrate how you can forecast the economic feasibility of a project? (Use an example).

3. Give an example of how you have used your planning skills.

4. What is negotiation and what is involved?

5. What is optical character recognition and how can you use it?

6. Create an organisational chart to show the project governance structure.

7. Prepare a final project report.

8. You may need to provide follow-up for the customer to ensure that the proposed benefits are achieved. What methods can you use to do this?

9. What tips can you give for reviewing projects?             

Part B - Project

You must individually, answer the following questions in full to showy our competency of each element:

For this activity, you should create a portfolio of work to demonstrate your competency in working on a project.

1. Assist in establishing project.

2. Support project planning and design processes.

3. Assist with project control and execution.

4. Assist with project finalisation.

Assessment III-

Part A - Written or Oral Questions

Complete the following individually. Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.

1. Create a work breakdown structure.

2. Create a project schedule.     

3. What time management techniques will you apply to your project?

4. How will you monitor and update your project schedule?

5. What implications can time management have on project resources, costs and risks?

6. Describe your methods for estimating task duration and resource effort.

7. Who would you need to meet and communicate with in order to produce both your work breakdown structure and project schedule?

Part B - Written or Oral Questions

This is a major activity - your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it during class or in your own time.

You must individually, answer the following questions in frill to show your competency of each element:

-Assist in developing project schedule

-Maintain project schedule

 -Participate in assessing time-management outcomes.

1. What does a work breakdown structure involve?

2. In order to achieve project deliverables, how can you estimate the duration and effort, sequence and dependencies of tasks?

3. How can project scheduling tools and techniques be used to identify schedule impact?

 4. What is a schedule baseline and how can it be communicated with stakeholders?      

5. What techniques can be used to measure, record and report the progress of activities in relation to the agreed schedule?

6. How can you record baseline variance between actual and planned progress?

7. How can you forecast the impact of change on the schedule?

8. How can you update task status and agreed changes to maintain currency and accuracy of schedule?

9. In order to determine the effectiveness of time management, how can you review project performance?

10. How can you scheduling and time management issues and responses be documented? How will these assist in project evaluation?

Assessment IV-

Part A - Written or Oral Questions

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.

All answers will vary depending on the learner and the organisation they work for but the learner should be able to answer each question competently.

Using the knowledge and understanding you have of scope management techniques, for an example project of your choice:

1. Define the project scope.

2. How will you monitor and control the project scope?

3. What factors are likely to impact on your project scope?

4. Develop a scope management plan.

5. What is project initiation documentation? How can you use this within your project?

6. Outline the formal change-control processes that you would consider within your project.

7. How could you measure the progress of your project against your plan?

8. How could you measure the outcomes of your project against your plan?

9. Describe your methods for segmenting and documenting a work breakdown structure.

10. Outline the procedures for reporting scope change.

Part B - Written or Oral Questions

1. What is project initiation documentation? What can it be used for and what does it cover?

2. What are project deliverables? Give examples.

3. How can you measure project outcomes? How can this be used to evaluate project performance?

4. What is a scope management plan? Describe the process of developing a scope management plan.

5. Give examples of the relevant project authority that may need to agree to scope.

6. What change control procedures and performance measurement procedures can be used when undertaking project work?

7. How can non-compliance be dealt with?

8. Explain the methods that can be used to measure the progress of a project.

9. What is the appropriate way to report scope changes?

10. Explain the methods that can be used to review the outcomes of a project.

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Management Theories: What is optical character recognition and how can you use
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