
What is online retailing


Part. 1:

1. Situation Analysis (Online Retailing Market)

• Analyze the market of online retailing and various strategies used by different companies. Provide examples and evaluation of different online stores considering their delivery strategy and communications with consumers.

• Differentiate how drop shipment strategy differs from other organizational delivery structures. Describe how this strategy differ from non-online retailing?

What is Online Retailing?

What various strategies are used in online retailing?

What are some of the largest online retailers, how do they operate?

How does the team product and strategy fit within online retailing for the future?

2. Market Analysis (SWOT)

• Analysis of the Product Market through completion of a SWOT analysis.

• Using inductive reasoning, provide evidence that explains the background and contemporary tactics used to develop each element of the SWOT.

Complete a SWOT analysis for the product and market approach strategy.

Provide a minimum of 3 statements for each SWOT category. Each statement must be relative to the product and the market approach strategy. Assumption for store owners is minimal financial resources.

Part. 2:

1. Product Description

• Students will analyze the supplier market and decide on a specific supplier. The teams will negotiate an agreement with the supplier for drop shipment throughout the United States per orders received.

• Teams will evaluate additional product options available to offer consumers. These might be: Individual Branding on Packaging, Inserts with shipments, specific information on packaging materials. The teams will negotiate fixed pricing for all items.

Manufacturer Source Profile

Cost Analysis for Drop Shipment and other services offered

2. Marketing Communications Strategy Overview

• Evaluate possible Positioning Strategies for Store. These differentiation strategies will help store owner determine how best to design their websites based on the product offering and positioning.

• Evaluation and suggestion for the most effective communication channels, based on suggested positioning strategies for store owners to communicate with potential consumers

  Positioning for Store

  Differentiation ideas for Store Owners

  Marketing Communication Tools

  Social Media Marketing Options

Part. 3:

1. Operational Management Plans Overview

• For the Operational Management planning, your team must analyze the task functions of personnel required by the store. Are these employed or contracted?

• For the Operational Management planning, your team must analyze the technology required to effectively operate as a 490Retail.com store owner.

• Evaluate and suggest additional technology applications "Store Owners" should consider for their store operations. (Mobile, Accounting, Etc?)

• Design the Fulfillment Channel, include listing the reports determined in last deliverable. This would be discussed and designed in a Graphic view.

• Analyze potential issues that might occur within the fulfillment channel.

• Analyze and chart the various communications within the distribution channel, and provide how these communications will be taking place. (What reports are needed and for whom?)

Technology Requirements for Stores

Website Design Requirements

Fulfillment Operations

Operational Storyboard/Chart

2. Financial Planning Overview

• Evaluate the cost structure for the entire store operations, providing an annual sales forecast and break even analysis.

• Prepare analysis of suggested cost requirements for Store Owners beyond the operation of the store (accounting, legal, etc)

• Evaluate Tax implications for offering this online store and specific product.

• Evaluate Tax implications to provide recommendations for Store Owner.

Financial Requirements for Store Owners

Sample Sales Forecast & Break Even Analysis for Product Operations

Tax Management requirements for Store Owners

Part. 4:

1. Legal Considerations Overview

• Evaluate and present the legal issues related to the operational strategy.

• Analyze potential for Global operations of the product and distributions.

• Evaluate and create all agreements necessary for legal operations between all entities, Supplier with Store Owners and with Product Consumers.

• Evaluate how Economic changes might affect operations and provide contingencies.

Required Legal Contracts with Manufacturer

Required Legal Contracts with Store Owners-Global Restrictions

Economic Environment Contingencies

2. Executive Summary (Goes in as the first item of the plan - after entire plan completed)

• Review all prior deliverables and write the Executive Summary and product a final Completed Plan including all edits for faculty feedback during the course.

• Presentation to 490Retail.com Management: Maximum 10 minute Persuasion audio power point presentation for the yes/no decision to incorporate the product store.

Attachment:- Product Description & Market Communications Strategy.rar

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Strategic Management: What is online retailing
Reference No:- TGS02062738

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