
what is one-time pad for encryption

  1. What is one-time pad for encryption? 
    1. Describe how it offers both Confusion and Diffusion.
    2. Using the letter encoding discussed in class (along with one-time pad), the cipher text,  KITLKE was generated using one-time pad.  What is the one time pad used if the plain text is "thrill"?  What's the key if the plain text was "tiller"?
  2. Encrypt the following plain-text using play-fair encryption scheme. Use WEDNESDAY as the key. Plain Text:  "I DREAM OF RAIN"
  3. Suppose that you have a message consisting of 1024 bits.  Design method that will extend the key that is 64 bits long into a string of 1024 bits.  Encryption is performed by XORing the data bits with the extended key bits.  Discuss the security of this approach.

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Computer Networking: what is one-time pad for encryption
Reference No:- TGS0212292

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