
What is one thing you learned from reading the readings

1. What is one thing you learned from reading the readings about the anti-violence movement in Canada? Please refer specifically to the articles in your answer.

2.From this story, we can see that Laura has had a history of abuse in her family of origin, which has continued to the present day. What are your thoughts and reactions to this story? What would you suggest to her if she came to you for help?

Laura is a young mom of nineteen. She and her two year-old son Stephen are running from Stephen's violent father. Laura has been referred to a women's support group counsellor by an emergency room nurse. Laura's partner has a restraining order against him, which he has broken several times. What seems to complicate matters, according to police and confirmed by Laura, is that some of those times Laura let him back into her life. She says that was because "he had no place else to go", and because her son "wanted his father". She adds that things "seem calm" for a while, then he gets violent and Laura's father, who is living with her some of the time, has to take her to the hospital to have her injuries treated. Ironically, nine years ago, Laura's mother was killed by her father during one of his violent attacks. He has served four years for manslaughter. Laura refers to the circumstances of her mother's death as "the accident" and says she has forgiven her father.

3.As you find and review the site on your chosen subject, consider the following

Why is this a useful site and what is one thing you have learned from it?

The website i chose is : https://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-from-sexism-to-ageism-in-the-public-service

I found this site useful because it talks about Ageism and Sexism all in one.. This article talks about how women were victimized by their sex but now studies showed that this is decreasing.Women held 1/3 of public service jobs and now they hold over 55% of public service jobs, also they hold 46%of all executive positions below deputy minister level. However when it comes to ageism, its on the rise and becoming a problem. Women over 50 make up 40% of the public service, and because of their age they are being asked to basically retire. Whats very interesting that women were treated the same way. They weren't seen as important as men were.

What i learned from this article is that the baby boomers are being attacked and that its going to lead to a major problem of ageism.

4. Choose one of the readings to discuss in more detail - what is one thing you've learned from this reading about the intersection of the oppression it discusses and violence against women?

5.As you read the course materials, think about the following questions and respond to one of them in the discussion area called Self Reflection.

1. What has shaped your opinions and ideas about women and others who have experienced domestic violence? When reflecting on how you have assisted people in crisis in the past, what skills do you think you used? Which interpersonal skills do you think you need to work on to provide even better assistance in the future?

2. Take a look at a few of the Power and Control Wheels and the OAITH reading. What have you learned about providing support to someone from a culture or identify different that your own?

6. Do a search online using the term "safety planning" to find toolkits and resources for people who are planning to leave an abusive relationship. Read through one of them and share what you've found with the rest of the group. Please try to select links that others have not identified.

7. As you read, consider the following questions, and be prepared to comment on 2 of them in our discussion group:

1. What do your readings say about providing services to women and trans* people who experience abuse in a relationship? Name one thing service providers need to do to ensure that they provide equitable services to lesbians and trans*/2 spirit people.

2. We haven't talked specifically about abuse in same-sex relationships where both partners are male. Do some research and see if you can find out some information about this issue. Please share what you've found with the class.

3. Equality for Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (EGALE) has just released the results of anationwide survey of high school students that shows that LGBTQ students still experience higher levels of violence and discrimination than other students. What do you think is required to make schools and other spaces safer for LGBTQ and two-spirited students?

8. In order to expand our awareness of how other countries are dealing with gender-based violence, I'd like you to pick a country that you are interested in finding more information about. Your assignment this week is to find a website/resource or online link that has been created about gender-based violence in that country. Share the link with everyone else in the topic area called Module 8 - Webquest.

2. Discussion Group: Questions
In addition to posting a link to the website/resource you've found, please answer the following questions in the same topic area:
Briefly describe the site/resource you've chosen and how the issues associated with gender violence are portrayed.
How would you describe the attitude to gender violence that is prevalent in the country?

9. As you read the course materials, think about the following questions and be prepared to  respond to them in our discussion group.

1. Do you believe that violent offenders can be rehabilitated? Substantiate your answer by citing information from at least one reading or other source that addresses this issue

2. The Kanawayhitowin Campaign is a campaign to address gender violence in Aboriginal communities across Ontario. George Brown College's Aboriginal Elder, Pauline Shirt, was instrumental in its development. Explore the campaign website. Read at least one of the articles included on the YWCA Canada reading (b) and think about what you have been told or taught about violence against Indigenous women in the past. Tell the class one thing you've learned about gender violence in Indigenous communities.

10. In addition to reading the course materials, you are asked to answer ONE of the questions indicated, then post your answer here.

As a way of dividing up the questions for the group, let's try the following arrangement:

Students whose last name begins with A - L will address question #1
Students whose last name begins with M - Z will address question #2

Your readings this week contain many recommendations for how intimate partner violence can be prevented. It is the responsibility of government and its agencies to put those recommendations into action. What would you ask the candidates for mayor in your town or city to make a priority if they were elected? Please refer to a reommendation made in the readings, particularly the Women Abuse Council of Toronto report and the Hadley Inquest.

Many immigrant, refugee and newcomer women are not aware of Canadian laws about violence in families, and do not have access to information and services that would support them if they have to leave their partners. Some have precarious resident status in the country and are fearful of approaching police and other government agencies. What is one way the local, provincial or federal government could help women in this situation? Find an agency in the Greater Toronto Area that provides help to immigrant and refugee women and share their website with everyone. Go to www.211toronto.ca to find appropriate agencies

11. An important ethical debate that is happening within the health care sector is the question of whether health care professionals have the responsibility of advising police that a woman in their care has been assaulted by her partner. Here are the two views:

VIEW #1:
A crime has been committed, and the police should be notified by those attending to the victim. After all, we would notify the police if a child had been assaulted, and often if we witnessed other crimes.

VIEW #2:
Adult women and trans* people are not children, and have the right to decide what action they take to respond to abuse or violence against them. Adults are not required to report other types of crimes, event if they are victimized.

Do you agree with these viewpoints? Why or why not? Please support your argument by citing information from the course materials or or other sources. Feel free to respond to others' comments and build on the conversation. For example, it is possible for police to lay a complaint without having the victim's evidence - how might that affect these types of situations?


Question # 1
In Toronto you can now apply for Ontario Works and other supports online. Go to https://www.toronto.ca/socialservices/applyworks.htm#c and read through the page, visiting the links offered. Try to apply online (they offer you the option of going through the application without submitting it for consideration). Compare the information there to the "Domestic Violence and Ontario Works: What You Should Know."

Ministry of Community and Social Services information, Imagine for a moment that you are an abused woman seeking financial assistance. How would you feel going through the application process? What barriers can you imagine coming up for women and trans* people as they go through this process?

Question # 2
Think back to one or more situations when you had to help someone find or receive a service they needed. In what instance did you act as an advocate, as a peer counsellor, or as a referral agent? What was the experience like for you? If you had to do it again, what would you do differently if anything?


Question # 1
What do you think religious institutions and leaders can do to help reduce intimate partner violence and other forms of gender-based violence?

Question # 2
Your task is to find a progressive, religion-based organization that promotes the respectful treatment of women and trans* people and that is actively anti-violence. Do your research on the internet, provide the site you have found, and write a short paragraph about what impresses you about the site.

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English: What is one thing you learned from reading the readings
Reference No:- TGS01552975

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