
What is one strategy that teachers can use to mediate

Young children often fail to plan, even when doing so would facilitate their problem-solving performance. Choose one of the five options to write your discussion on. Please state which number you are writing about. The five options are:

1. Planning requires inhibiting the tendency to act immediately Ability to inhibit actions develops slowly over the course of childhood (Dempster, 1993).

2. Children often are overoptimistic about the likelihood of succeeding without planning (Stipek, 1984).

3. Planning entails a risk of wasted effort, for example if the child fails to execute the plan correctly or the problem is beyond the child's ability to solve (Berg, 1989).

4. Planning often requires coordination with other people. this is challenging for everyone, but especially so for children, who frequently bicker, lose track of the original task, and refuse to cooperate (Baker-Sennet, Matusov, & Rogoff, 1992).

5. If children don't plan, other people, especially parents, may save them from the consequences of their failure to do so. For example, if they do not allocate sufficient time for homework, parents may help them (Ellis, Dowdy, Graham & Jones, 1992).

After you have picked one of the numbers to write your discussion on, here are the questions you need to answer.

Construct a classroom-based scenario that illustrates your chosen reason. What is the implication of your reason when considering the differing needs of students while planning for classroom instruction?

What is one strategy that teachers can use to mediate the effects of these failures and support the problem-solving skills of their young students?

Word Max is 250-500 words. If you use outside sources it must be properly cited in APA form in your paper. Along with a reference at the end of your paper.

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