
What is one sentence that shows the pattern of cause and

1. Today there is concern that certain infectious? diseases, such as? smallpox, will be used as a biological weapon. This has led authorities in the United States and other countries to order the production of new stock of certain vaccines. Preparing millions of doses of a vaccine as a precaution against attack certainly seems like a good idea. But it also raises an important social and scientific? question: should a nation require its citizens to be vaccinated against a particular? disease, or should we wait until there is evidence of an outbreak of a disease in a given? area?

2. Should we require? vaccinations? Human history shows just how deadly certain infectious diseases can be.? Therefore, it makes sense to preempt an outbreak by requiring vaccinations as soon as enough doses of the vaccine are available. The benefits of immunity would outweigh any possible adverse reactions to the vaccine. In? addition, it is cheaper to vaccinate everyone rather than to treat infectious diseases on an individual basis.

3. Should we hold the vaccine in? reserve? As serious as the threat from certain infectious diseases may? be, we should keep in mind the rule of medicine that is taught to all?doctors: First, do no harm. We already? know, unfortunately, that administering vaccines to an entire population will indeed do harm. For? example, U.S. health statistics show that for every 1 million infants vaccinated for? smallpox, as many as

5. may have died from reactions to the vaccine. The exact number of deaths that will result from a nationwide vaccination program is not? certain, but any number of deaths is too many when the risk of infection is only hypothetical.
Which signal? word(s) in paragraph 2 indicate cause and? effect?
A. ?"just"
B. ?"benefits"
C. ?"Therefore"
D. ?"In addition"

Which signal word in paragraph 1 shows an organizational pattern of comparison and? contrast?
A. ?"but"
B. ?"also"
C. ?"evidence"
D. ?"such"

Which pattern of organization does paragraph 3? demonstrate?
A. simple listing
B. example
C. comparison and contrast
D. cause and effect

What is the overall pattern of organization in the? selection?
A. division and classification
B. cause and effect
C. comparison and contrast
D. simple listing

How many reasons are given to require? vaccinations?
A. three
B. two
C. one
D. none

How to Avoid Credit Card Debt?

(1) Don't be a victim of credit card debt.?

(2) It all begins with attitude.?

(3) You have to believe that living debt?-free is a beneficial way to manage your life.?

(4) You have to want to keep more of your money instead of paying it to credit card companies.?

(5) First, figure out how much money you bring home each month after taxes.?

(6) Then, add up your?expenses, such as rent or? mortgage, car? payments, gas,? insurance, utility? bills, food, and clothing.?

(7) How much money is left is what you have to spend.?

(8) Next, consider the benefits of investing some of your money in savings? accounts, retirement? accounts, or the stock market.? (9) Then, use the rest for fun.? (10) If you? don't create a? budget, you could end up spending a lot more for an item that you might expect.? (11) For? example, if you buy a? $2,000 big?-screen television with your credit card and you pay the minimum each month? (about 2% of the outstanding balance or in this case? $40 to? start) and your interest rate is? 14% (the average credit card interest rate for 2002 was almost? 19%), it would take you 242 months? (20 years 2? months) to pay off your debt? (and that's if you bought nothing else with that? card). (12) You would have paid an additional? $2,354.76 to the credit card company for that television.? (13) Here is where attitude pays off.? (14) Think about whether you really need a big?-screen ?television, or if you need it right? now, or whether you can make more than the minimum payment each month.? (15) Since the future can be uncertain? (layoffs and injuries are two potential? problems), it is reassuring not having to worry about finding the money to put toward credit card debt every month.

Which type of organizational pattern do the signal words open double quote

"first?,close double quote

" open double quote

"?then,close double quote

" and open double quote

"nextclose double quote

" ?demonstrate?
simple listing
process order
cause and effect
comparison and contrast
What type of pattern do sentences ?10-12 ?demonstrate?
generalization and example
spatial order
cause and effect
simple listing

Which? word(s) indicate the organizational pattern of? illustration?
For example

With what is it assumed that sentences? 1-4 are? contrasted?
being a victim
managing your life
spending money
a? debt-free life
What is one sentence that shows the pattern of cause and? effect?
sentence 11
sentence 13
sentence 9
sentence 10

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Dissertation: What is one sentence that shows the pattern of cause and
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