
What is one potential way to resolve such conflicts what

Question: The Ethics of Social Justice for Social Change

The general mission of social work is to promote social justice and social change to meet the interests of individuals, families, communities, and society. The process by which social change occurs may include participating in the legislative process by influencing the decisions of policy leaders. How do social workers abide by the professional Code of Ethics when trying to advocate to legislators, who may abide by other values or principles? What ethical dilemmas might social workers encounter while participating in the legislative process, and how should they respond?

For this writing assignment, read the scenario below. Consider the interconnections between ethical social work practice and policy making. In a 3-5 page paper, discuss the ethical obligations a social work practitioner must consider to promote social justice based on the case. In what ways might our professional values conflict with certain 'political realities' in the case? What is one potential way to resolve such conflicts? What recommended political action steps would you give to the community agency as it tries to serve their clients and community's immediate needs using a legislative response?

Using your text readings, web sources and other important and scholarly resources; present at least three references to support your position. Use APA to format in-text citations and references.

Scenario Description

You are working as a social policy consultant for a community agency that wants to work with state legislators to secure public funding for employment assistance and child care services for women who were victims of domestic violence. Many of the women in the agency are eager to make a living for themselves and their children. However, many women have limited education and marketable work skills. The agency serves residents in a poor community that is racially diverse, and whose members are increasingly from Mexico and South America. For many, their immigration status is undocumented or uncertain, although most of their children are U.S. citizens. In describing the community and its needs to legislators, they state their belief in your effort "in principle", but are less inclined to support putting public dollars toward families who potentially may be deported back to their country of origin. One legislator openly stated in the current political climate, it would be "political suicide".

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English: What is one potential way to resolve such conflicts what
Reference No:- TGS02705559

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