1. What is often true of presenting problems?
all answers are correct
it's a symptom of a much larger problem
it's the only thing we can address as part of our contract
it's the actual problem in the organization
2. Did you complete your spring break homework (to take an hour to do something fun as long as it's ethical, legal. and moral)?
3. Velma claims she is just collecting data on stress and aggresiveness to see if they are correlated. She is actually using this to determine which people to fire due to increase in violence seen at Scooby Doo Inc. Which ethical dilemma would this fall under?
technical ineptness
misuse of data
4. Kim gets hired to design a new computer program for performance appraisal. She has horrible technology skills, but pretends she is capable so she gets the multi million dollar contract. Which ethical dilemma would this fall under?
misuse of data
technical ineptness