
What is motility agar

1) What is motility agar?
A) A selective solid plate media that is streaked for isolation and motility is indicated by growth
B) A liquid broth that is inoculated and changes color if the bacteria is non-motile
C) A solid slant that is streaked only on top and motility is indicated by spread of color
D) A semisolid media that is stabbed to the bottom and motility is indicated by the spread of color.

2) Which of the following is a reason why your non-motile bacteria on your hanging drop slide may appear to be moving?
A) Because the bacteria have mutated to produce flagella
B) Because the bacteria have produced endospores
C) Because we are having an earthquake.
D) Because of Brownian motion, or vibration caused by water molecules.

3) What is GYE media?
A) Nutrient rich media that bacteria will swim toward
B) Differential media that will turn yellow when a motile bacteria is grown on it.
C) Selective media that will only grow motile bacteria
D) Nutrient poor media that bacteria will swim away from

4) Which of the following species should NOT be able to "jump the bridge" in the chemotaxis experiment 
A) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B) Escherichia coli (wild-type strain)
C) Proteus mirabilis
D) Staphylococcus epidermidis 

5) Which of the following bacteria are motile because of the presence of a single polar flagella?
A) Staphylococcus epidermidis
B) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C) Proteus mirabilis
D) Rhodospirillum rubrum 

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Biology: What is motility agar
Reference No:- TGS081391

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