
What is monetary theory


This assignment requires you to write a 6 to 10 page paper, including bibliography and references,on a topic in the history of economic thought.

What topic should you choose?

What ever you want-so long as it is on some aspect of the history of economic thought, including

• The life and work of one particular economistwho did most or all of his/her work prior to 1939 (e.g., Adam Smith or J. M. Keynes) or other writer on economics (provided he or she made a significant contribution to the debate, e.g., Bernard Mandeville).

• A school of thought in one country(e.g., institutional economics in the U.S.).

• Some combination of the two-an economist and a school of thought (e.g., Knut Wicksell and the Swedish school of economics).

• The development of economics in one particular countryover a period of time (e.g., economic science in the U.S. during the Progressive Era, approximately 1890 to 1920).

• The development of an approachover a period of time (e.g., the marginalist revolution from 1871 to 1914-or you might wish to include precursors like William Forster Lloyd).

• The development of a concept (e.g., division of labor, from Antiquity to Adam Smith and beyond, or the theory of comparative cost (comparative advantage), associated with James Mill, Robert Torrens, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill).

• How atopic has been discussed and analyzed by economists (e.g., slavery, land, intellectual property, profit, high wages), and you would likely set start and finish dates for the discussion (e.g., slavery from Adam Smith to John Stuart Mill, economic thought and the Irish question, 1817-1870, what economists had to say about British rule in India, or underconsumptionist theories from Mandeville to Keynes), including a topic specifically to do with economic policy (e.g., the tariff question in U.S. history-tariffs for protection or tariffs for revenue).

• How anevent has been discussed and analyzed by different economists (e.g., the Great Depression by F. A. Hayek of the Austrian school and J. M. Keynes of the UK Cambridge school).

Be advised that you may not choose an economist whose work was mainly or entirely after the Second World War, or an event that occurred after the Second World War-so no Milton Friedman or Great Recession-or a topic that only arose after that war-so no Internet. And, although it is important to describe the historical context in which your chosen economistis writing, remember that you are not writing a paper in economic history, but in the history of economic thought. My advice would be to choose a topic that is narrow and focused-not broad and diffuse. If you're in any doubt about what would make a suitable topic for your term paper, contact me in person or by email.

How to research the topic

To get you started, consult Alessandro Roncaglia'sA Brief History of Economic Thought (2107), and then check out the following resources:

The New Palgrave Dictionary of EconomicsFirst Edition (1987) in the King library, and the ThirdEdition (online, 2018- at which you can access from home using your membership of the university library.

(Don't rely on OneSearch, the search engine on our library website.) Remember there are a great many books on the history of economic thought on the shelves on the sixth floor of the King library, especially at HB75-130. If the university library doesn't have a particular book, it's possible that either another CSU library (CSU+) or your local public library does have the book, or if none of those do, you can order the book through Interlibrary Loan.

How to research the topic (cont'd)

And it's okay to use discriminating and thoughtful use of websites containing worthwhile material (but be sure to cite correctly what you find-full URL and date visited).

The History of Economic Thought website

Great Economists: Classical Economics and Its Forerunners

Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

The Online Library of Liberty

The Mises Library

Marxists Internet Archive

Hathi Trust Digital Library

The Online Books Page

Google Books

Internet Archive

And come and see me!

Instructions for writing the paper

The paper should be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font (and use italic, boldor underlinesparingly) and double-spaced (like this sentence).

The paper should be 1500 to 2500 words in length(not including the bibliography) with one-inch margins top and bottom, left and right. Your full name and the word count (not including the bibliography) should appearon the cover sheet. Large, clearly labeled diagrams may be used where appropriate. A bibliography and/or references typed in a consistent format should be included at the end of the paper. A 1500 to 2500 word paper (not including a cover sheet, diagrams, and bibliography) would fill 5 to 8 pages depending on the spacing between paragraphs. Papers that are too short will lose points. And papers that exceed 2500 words had better be worth reading!

I would like to choose Monetary and Trade Cycle Theory be my topic because this shows how the existence and functioning of money affects people's lives. I will talk about what is monetary and trade cycle, and use the ideas of Hayek in this paper. I will also use Hayek and

Keynes's theories as contrast.

These are my references:

1. What is Monetary Theory by Daniel Liberto

2. Trade Cycle: Meaning Features and Theories by KirtiShailes

3. Hayekian Trade Cycle Theory: A Reappraisal by Roger W. Garrison

4. Keynes's Theory of Business Cycle, Economics by Nipun S

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Microeconomics: What is monetary theory
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