
What is miracle maxs greatest thing


Questions based upon the movie The Princess Bride

A. What part of the skull does Wesley hit when he knocks out Inigo Montoya after their sword ?ght?

B. What part of the chest cavity does Buttercup want to plunge her knife?

C. When Wesley has "no strength," and can't hold his neck up, name two muscles that are involved.

D. When Wesley is only "mostly dead," what state of contraction are his muscles?

E. What muscle is used in the final kiss between Wesley and Buttercup?

F. How does Wesley say, "I love you" to Buttercup in the beginning of the movie?

G. What is Miracle Max's greatest thing?

H. What is Vizzini's favorite word?

I. What is Miracle Max's farewell saying?

J. Inigo Montoya's scars are over which facial bones?

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