
What is median age of customers who live in western region


Add a new factor variable with levels "Bad", "Good", "Very Good", and "Exceptional", which is generated by converting a numerical variable Rating into a factor by dividing it into 4 intervals (don't modify the Rating variable; just a new variable based on it). Name it Rating_Grade and display its frequency table. Add another factor variable with levels No and Yes indicating whether the individual's balance exceeds $500. Name it Balance_Ind.

Compare the average credit limit of customers with and without homes. What is the median age of customers who live in the Western region, own a home, and earn at least $60,000? What is the average income of customers who are married, have less than 4 cards, and have a good rating grade?

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Computer Engineering: What is median age of customers who live in western region
Reference No:- TGS03312714

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