
What is meant by weak stationarity and what is meant

1. What is meant by weak stationarity?

2. What is meant by an integrated time series?

3. What is the meaning of a unit root?

4. If a time series is I(3), how many times would you have to difference it to make it stationary?

5. What are Dickey-Fuller (DF) and augmented DF tests?

6. What are Engle-Granger (EG) and augmented EG tests?

7. What is the meaning of cointegration?

8. What is the difference, if any, between tests of unit roots and tests of cointegration?

9. What is spurious regression?

10. What is the connection between cointegration and spurious regression?

11. What is the difference between a deterministic trend and a stochastic trend?

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Microeconomics: What is meant by weak stationarity and what is meant
Reference No:- TGS01174574

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