
What is meant by the triune god

What is the Trinity? What is meant by the “triune God?” What is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Consider Augustine’s claim that “while this image of the Trinity is one person, but the highest Trinity itself is three persons, yet that Trinity of three persons is more indivisible than this of one” (McGinn, 194). You might consider relating your understanding of the Trinity to the tenets expressed in the Nicene Creed; or, you might consider exploring the difference between the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman Catholic) understandings of the Trinity as exhibited in the filioque controversy.


1) Linda Woodhead, Christianity: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2014)

2) Richard Bauckham, Jesus: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2011)

3) Bernard McGinn, The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism (Modern Library, 2006)

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