
What is meant by the term sustainable business provide at

Module 1

  1. Define sustainability in your own words.
  2. What is meant by the term "sustainable business"? Provide at least one example to support your answer.
  3. Defend the concept of economic development. What does it mean and why is it important? Discuss why the pillars of the sustainable business paradigm are important.
  4. How do consumers participate in the sustainable business model? Provide at least one example to support your answer.
  5. Discuss the participation of government agencies in sustainable businesses. What are its deficiencies and what does this mean relative to the responsibilities of managers? Provide at least one example to support your answer.

Module 2

  1. (ESSAY) Discuss the drivers in the environment and the economy that provide a driver for the sustainable. In your answer include a discussion as to how Population, Affluence and Technology impact the biosphere. How do these come together in their impact (i.e. discuss the synergies between these) and where does the sustainable business fit within these.
  2. Define the biosphere in your own words.
  3. Identify the major human activities that impact the environment. Give a specific example of such activities. Weigh the consequences, benefits, and necessities addressed by the activity and the cost of implementing a sustainable approach.

Module 3

  1. What are the advantages and drawbacks of the conventional free market economic model?
  2. Define utilitarianism in your own words.
  3. (ESSAY) Describe in detail why regulatory compliance is far below the standards of a responsible, sustainable business. Be sure to comprehensively develop the concept of Corporate Responsibility in your essay.
  4. (ESSAY) Describe how the market reacts to correct overconsumption of a resource such as water or gasoline. Why doesn't the market respond in similar ways to air quality of habitat destruction?

Module 4

  1. Why are consumer demand and regulation inadequate to address sustainability?
  2. What is meant by the term "regulatory capture"? Provide at least one example to support your answer. Why is regulatory capture such a prevalent problem?
  3. (ESSAY) Discuss why the minimum moral responsibility cannot be mere regulatory compliance.

Module 5

  1. What is sustainable economics? Provide at least one example to support your answer.
  2. What are the three fundamental challenges to a sustainable economy?
  3. (ESSAY) Discuss international finance as it relates to sustainability.

Module 6

  1. What is biomimicry? Provide at least one example to support your answer.
  2. How can sustainability be a competitive advantage for a business?
  3. What are some arguments in favor of moving to a sustainable business model?
  4. Where will changes in the traditional business paradigm have to occur in order to accommodate sustainability in the coming decades?
  5. (ESSAY) Briefly describe the "cradle-to-cradle" model. Provide at least one example to support your answer.

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Business Management: What is meant by the term sustainable business provide at
Reference No:- TGS01597411

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