
What is meant by the term central tendency


APA, 200 word answer minimum, Cite atleast twice each answer

1. Describe how a confidence interval can be used by a researcher to estimate a population average.

2. What is meant by the term central tendency? Explain why the central tendency is an incomplete summarization of a variable.

3. What two levels of confidence are used most often, and which one is most commonly used? Explain how to obtain the most commonly used confidence interval for a percentage, and an average.

4. Explain average, range, standard deviation, and normal curve distribution. Describe how an average and a standard deviation are computed. Create your work on a spreadsheet program (such as MS Excel), copy and paste it on a Word Document, write your answer in the Word Document

5. Explain generalization. Distinguish between sample findings and population facts. How are they similar and how do they differ? Provide an example.

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Marketing Management: What is meant by the term central tendency
Reference No:- TGS01756832

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