Course Module I foci are social problems. Therefore, its Plan of Work provides you the student with detailed descriptions of all the required readings, assignments, presentations (Video, Powerpoint, etc.), quizzes, and examination for Course Module I.
Course Module I is designed to introduce students to contemporary problems that are impacting our domestic and global societies.
These problems range from religious fundamentalism to the war on terror. While major attention has been focused on the latter since 9-11, other problems continue to erode the fabric of our society. Two of these problems are increasing income inequality and the growth in the number of homeless families, across the United States. As such, in this Course Module, I will provide you answers to the following questions:
? What is a social problem?
? What is meant by the structure of society?
? What are the key elements of society's social structure?
? What is/are the culture(s) of society?
? What are the significance of social movements?
Additionally, students will be able to identify and define the following sociological perspectives. These perspectives are:
? Functionalism;
? Symbolic Interaction; and
? Conflict theory.
In all, Course Module I provide students with the tools and methodologies to understand our complex world and the interlocking elements that constitute its working and ever changing parts.
Required Readings & Presentations:
1. Chapter 1 of required textbook titled Understanding Social Problems (8th or 9th Edition)
2. "Requiem for Trayvon Martin: When will America Stop Destroying the Lives of Black Boys?"
3. C. Wright Mills, "The Sociological Imagination" (located in the Course Information section of Bb)
4. Review the Powerpoint presentation that is located in the Course Module section of Bb.
Required Assignments:
Assignment 2: Complete a paper that critiques Dr. Brown's article titled, "Requiem for Trayvon Martin: When will America Stop
Destroying the Lives of Black Boys?" In your critique, please explain the main argument of the article. What evidence do I use to support my argument? You will not be penalized if you disagree with me!
This paper minimum length is 3 pages. Please utilize 12 point font Times New Roman and the margins should be one inch on the right and left margins. Please place your personal information on a cover page.
To access the assignment please cut and paste the following website into your browser
Assignment 3: Complete a paper that addresses the significance of the "C. Wrights Mills' Sociological Imagination". Specifically, what was his main argument(s). What evidence did he uses to support his argument? Is Mills' analytical framework still capable of addressing the problems we as individuals face in contemporary American society?
Instructions: This paper's minimum length is 3 pages. Please utilize 12 point font times new roman and the margins should be one inch on the right and left margins. The paper should be double spaced. Do not utilize internet sources to complete this assignment unless they are peer reviewed journals or e-books. Please place your picture and personal information on a cover page.