1. Watch this video "I, Smartphone" https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByZgnIP0zJ4OTVdubjFLMEhZS28/view?usp=sharing. How does this clip illustrate Adam Smith's concept of the invisible hand?
2. What is meant by the index of openness? How is it calculated? Note: use the formula provided in topic 1 in your answer (same formula is in chapter 1 of the textbook). What does it tell us about an economy?
3. In general, are larger countries more open or closed? What about smaller countries? Provide an example of a country which is large (as defined by the index of openness) and one which is small.
4. Is the following statement true or false? A country's index of openness can never exceed 100 in value. Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences.
5. In class, we looked at the geographic pattern of merchandise trade in 1965 and 2010. Use these figures to answer the following questions:
(A) What has happened to Asia's export share? Why?
(B) What has happened to North America's export share?How important is America as a trading partner for other countries?
(C) What has happened to the export share of Latin America & Africa?
(D) How important is geography when explaining trade patterns?
6. Which nation, according to the World Trade Organization report (2014), is the biggest merchandise trader in the world (including exports & imports)? What factors help explain this? You can find the report in the homework 1 folder.
7. How important is world trade in services to the world economy? Which country is the largest exporter/importer of services according to the World Trade Organization report (2014)? What factors explain this? You can find the report in the homework 1 folder. ($1,000)
8. The following podcast comes from NPR's "Planet Money" series. The podcast is about outsourcing: "In A Twist, Tech Companies Are Outsourcing Computer Work To ... Humans" If you click the link below, you can listen to the podcast & read a transcript.
Why are tech companies outsourcing computer work to humans?