
What is meant by the collaborations

Discussion: 2 forum responses 150 words each also include citations:

1. William Strong

Explain what is meant by the collaborations between port security and enforcement operations:

Collaborations between port security and enforcement operations is paramount. Although security officers and law enforcement officers have the same mission which is to keep the port secured, one will always have more authority than the other. Port security has a broad spectrum not limited to gate guards, check points, roving patrols and surveillance. Even though port security may seem like an all-in one but there are limits of each section. Private security agencies have a strong foot hold in the fight against terror in the United States.
Enforcement operations are the actions from the planning and briefings that are conducted every day. As enforcement, the unit must go out and enforce the rules, regulations and laws of which are written in the maritime laws and the United States. Enforcement has the responsibility for making arrest and conducting the searches on the vehicle, people and vessels that enter the port.
The communication between the private security and the United States government is a relationship that requires an understanding on which section does what. Communication is paramount in the security world and all sections need to work as a team to succeed.

Discuss the priorities detailed in the 2013 DNI Threat Assessment Report:

The Director of National Intelligence covered almost about everything involving the national security on the United States regarding many countries in the Middle East, Europe, Africa and South America. The report also included many categories such as weapons of mass destruction, cybercrime and food. Weapons of mass destruction can be made out of many things and it is difficult to keep track of all the house hold products that can make a bad day for the public. Cybercrime is on the top of the list due to everything is connected to the internet. With cybercrimes that are influenced by other countries, they can harm the Unites States infrastructure by creating a panic in the economy. Food may seem like a small worry but food is a major factor in everyday life. If the food industry would to be contaminated with a virus it could cause an epidemic that could be fatal to thousands.

All sections in the DNI 2013 report are important, many have a higher level of concern due to the lives at risk and the areas that can be affected by a terrorist attack.


Christopher, K. (2014). Port security management (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press

Clapper, J. (2013). Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community. Statement for the record. Senate Committee on Armed Service.

2. Duane LeClair

Explain what is meant by the collaborations between port security and enforcement operations:

In order to have and maintain a secure port facility, the port facility security officer, and staff, must have a working relationship with state and local law enforcement departments. Although port security may be efficient in safeguarding the area, some larger issues may occur that require outside help. Some examples include terrorist activity, bomb threats, fire, riot control and criminal activity. Port security personnel do not have the manpower, equipment or resources to handle these types of threats therefore; they must build and maintain a professional working relationship with local law enforcement. Additionally, jurisdiction and arrest authority also come into play here. The port may be a public or privately owned and operated facility therefore jurisdiction must be determined before an incident occurs not after. Furthermore, port security personnel do not have arrest authority or a jail to hold suspected criminals. It is my belief that port security can only detain personnel not arrest them. Other areas where port security and law enforcement collaborate and communicate is during exercise training, emergency planning and information sharing. Both agencies can complement one another if leadership establishes and maintains open lines of communication (Christopher, 2015).

Discuss the priorities detailed in the 2013 DNI Threat Assessment Report:

In the 2013 Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, Director James Clapper is identifying the numerous threats our nation faces on a daily basis. Although some of these threats have no direct impact on our way of life or national security and safety, threats such as cyber-attack and terrorism can severely hinder, disrupt or destroy certain sections of our society. For example, a cyber-attack to our financial district of Wall Street could greatly affect our economy. Additionally, a terrorist attack against a critical infrastructure sector, say energy, could shut down select power grids across our nation for extended periods. Other threats like WMD proliferation and counter-space could occur but they both rely heavily on technology and most terrorist groups do not have the capability to maintain and operate such devices. A rouge nation could feasibly sell a WMD device to a terrorist group but the core knowledge to transport, maintain, safeguard and detonate such a device is somewhat limited in my humble opinion. However, this is exactly why our nation-implemented programs like the Radiation Detection and Imaging, the Container Security Initiative and the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. Other threats listed in the report include threats to our natural resources, health, pandemics and mass atrocities (Clapper, 2013).


Christopher, K. (2015). Port security management (2nd ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Clapper, J. R. (2013). Worldwide threat assessment of the u.s. intelligence community. Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

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