
What is meant by no drop prosecution what does it mean that

Intimate Partner Violence - Breaking the Cycle Fall, 2017

Part I: Short answer

Select ten (10)questions to answer. Please answer using complete sentences as opposed to bullet points or lists. Three to five sentences should be sufficient to answer most questions. (5 points each)

1. What is meant by "No Drop" prosecution?

2. What does it mean that a theory regarding IPV is gender-based?

3. How would you define intimate partner violence? What relationships and acts do you think should be included?

4. Name and give an example of 5 tactics from the power and control wheel.

5. Based on statistical data that we have from the CDC, what age group, gender, and race seem to have a higher risk of experiencing some form of IPV?

6. Describe the dynamics of IPV in Johnson's intimate terrorism typology.

7. Give five items to be explored with a victim as part of a safety plan; how does each item relate to safety?

8. Describe five different potential behavioral healthimpacts of IPV on victims/survivors.

9. You and a friend are listening to the news together and hear about a women killed by her boyfriend; they had two children ages 3 and 5 together. The report describes numerous police visits to the residence over the past several years. Your friend turns to you and says, "I just don't get it - why did she stay with him? Why didn't she end the relationship? You respond......

10. List 3 reasons a person experiencing IPV might choose NOT to use the legal system.

11. What is the danger assessment and in what context and role might youuse it with a victim of IPV?

12. Name 5 associations between physical health and a history of IPV.

13. Describe how you would screen clients for IPV if you worked in a community mental health clinic. (Include specific questions)

14. Does Maryland hold a Mandatory or Discretionary arrest policy for IPV crimes? What does that mean?

15. A co-worker tells you that her sister is in an abusive relationship. What information would you want to give your co-worker for her to tell her sister?

Part II: Essay

Choose oneessay to complete; your answer should be 2-4 pages double-spaced. Make sure you identify references. (50 points)

1. Read the following case example. Select a particular theoretical perspective presented in class/readings and discuss how this perspective definesIPVand how that applies in this case example.

Based on the theoretical perspective you choose, what additional information would you want to know about the person telling the story, about her husband?

How would a clinician practicing from this perspective understand/explain what was occurring? What kind of interventions and information would the clinician give the client? (NOTE: You do not have to agree with the theory/perspective that you present in analyzing this story; you just need to be consistent with the theory you select.)

A Woman's Story:

My story begins when I was 21 years old. I met a guy that seemed to be a good man. He was very friendly, which for me was the most important thing to have in a relationship.

We met in September and by the following January, we were living together. The abuse began immediately; he became very jealous and accused me of cheating on him with another man. I did not understand why he was treating me that way.

By the end of the month, I was pregnant and my baby was born in late October. I thought that my being pregnant would change him, but that was not the case, everything remained the same. The abuse continued. Every time he hit me, I would leave and go to my sister's or my mother's house.

I left him many times, but I always returned to be by his side.

2. Choose one intervention for victims of IPV, (i.e shelter, counseling, police, prosecution or civil protective orders) and elaborate on the tension that exists between safety of the victim and the victim's right to self-determination and autonomy concerningthis intervention. You may use an example to illustrate your response and your answer may include unintended consequences of this intervention.

3. Reflect on Bonita's story that she shared with us in class. You are a social worker in the community working for a domestic violence organization. The programreceives $1 million from the estate of a prominent woman in the community with the only stipulation, "Use this to end intimate partner violence".

How would you choose to spend the money to have the greatest potential of reaching the many individuals like Bonita in your community, at some point in time along her journey?

NOTE: This could be a prevention, intervention or policy initiative. You should include how your initiative would reach individuals like Bonita and at what stage or arena of their lives, i.e. adolescence, young adulthood, in marriages/committed relationships, working lives, etc.

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Dissertation: What is meant by no drop prosecution what does it mean that
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