
What is meant by descriptive representation

Discuss the below:

Q1. Women make up approximately 50% of the population in the US, but there are only 21 women serving in the US Senate (21% of the body). What is meant by descriptive representation, and how does the foregoing information relate to the concept? What might be some of the consequences of the lack of descriptive representation by gender in the US Congress? Do you judge this to be a problem? If so, what could be done about the problem? How might Congress function differently if there were a greater number of women members? (See the additional readings on D2L.)

Q2. What are some of the problems with our current system of presidential primaries and caucuses? Be specific and thorough. In light of these problems, would you favor moving to a single national primary, or perhaps a series of several regional primaries? Why? What are some advantages of the system as it stands now?

Q3. Presidential power today is so much greater than what is described in the Constitution. Explain this in detail. How have US presidents expanded the power of the presidency? What are, in your opinion, the advantages and disadvantages of expanded presidential power?

Q4. The President has appointed you to chair a commission to reform campaign finance in the US. First, describe the key issues or problems with campaign finance in the US. Then, present your top two recommendations for reform. In other words, what two actions would make the most difference in leveling the playing field for elections in the US? If you think that our campaign finance system is working well and does not need changing, make an argument for that position.

Q5. What is congressional redistricting? How does it happen and what are some problems with the redistricting system(s) that we use in the US? What are some of the negative consequences of these ways? What might be done to address these problems and consequences? (See the additional class notes entitled "Redistricting 101.")

Q6. What makes a good President? Briefly describe the various roles and responsibilities that presidents have in our political system. Then look at C-SPAN's list of ten criteria for presidential greatness. What might be some different perspectives (supportive or critical) on how President Obama performed in these categories?

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Other Subject: What is meant by descriptive representation
Reference No:- TGS01941685

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